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Can't connect to classic


if i want to lg in with wom i get the message "failed to connect you failed to connect to the server. it's probably down" annyone having this problem also or has the solution for it please comment!
I don't think .NET Framework is going to matter. Make sure you have Java 6, not 7 (yes, you need the older version).
Are there problems with java 7 ?

I don't know if there are problems with Java 7 in general - it doesn't seem to cause problems with Minecraft Survival as far as I know - but on the WoM forums it says that you have to use Java 6, and I suspect this is true when you play from within the browser too.

Check your programs, I once had 3 or 4 different versions and unable to log into classic. I ended up removing them all and getting a fresh version. Try something like that.

Yeah, also there should be a Java Control Panel that shows all the versions of Java that are installed - for me, if I go to the Java tab, then click on the View... button, it shows some version(s) in both the User and System tabs. If there are any 1.7s there, the easiest option is probably just to go and uninstall them.
I don't know if there are problems with Java 7 in general - it doesn't seem to cause problems with Minecraft Survival as far as I know - but on the WoM forums it says that you have to use Java 6, and I suspect this is true when you play from within the browser too.

Yeah, also there should be a Java Control Panel that shows all the versions of Java that are installed - for me, if I go to the Java tab, then click on the View... button, it shows some version(s) in both the User and System tabs. If there are any 1.7s there, the easiest option is probably just to go and uninstall them.

I'm on Java 7, update 5. Things work fine on Classic (through Chrome at any rate).
Umm i had that same thing, but i signed into a different team9000 link where you can chose from wom direct and 2 other choices i think, and it worked