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Can't login to T9000 server


New Member
Hey lads,

Went to login this morning and for some reason it sits on the 'Connecting...' window, and wont allow me in.

Not too sure whats going on, can login to other servers fine, any ideas?


Oh noes teh servuh is down!

... On another note, I think I'll use this time to write that Minecraft post I've been meaning to do since I got into it. See you guys again in an hour or so! :D
Server was using too many file descriptors, limit has been increased. No more issues :)
... Is it just me or did it crash again? It's just showing me the "Connecting" screen, and the only time it's been there for more than a second or two is when it crashed last time. Soo.... yeah.

Seems like the server just. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . took it's last byte.

Update: Could also be an authentication issue with Notche's system.