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Cant Play


New Member
Hey Guys,

Whenever I join the server, for about 2 seconds people move, then everybody freezes but i can move for about 30 seconds, then i get diconnected with a red screen. Anybody any ideas? :S im running 64 Bit Windows 7 8gb ram quad core processor
Hey Guys,

Whenever I join the server, for about 2 seconds people move, then everybody freezes but i can move for about 30 seconds, then i get diconnected with a red screen. Anybody any ideas? :S im running 64 Bit Windows 7 8gb ram quad core processor
Do you have a video card? What is it?
Also, ive discovered, after the 3 seconds i play, my internet crashes and reconnects, but only on this one server
try to delete : %appdata%\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar

and let it recreate it.
by 33% was this the solution of reconnecting problems at minecraft.
Also, ive discovered, after the 3 seconds i play, my internet crashes and reconnects, but only on this one server
When the server overloads on people (200+ people) the server will randomly kick people to alleviate room. I am not sure if it is coincidence that you get kicked as soon as you get on, or if your internet cant handle so many people on at the same time. Besides that im not sure how to help solve your problem.

*EDIT* Didnt read that it dces your internet also

*DOUBLE EDIT* So all i can think of is upgrade your internet.
When the server overloads on people (200+ people) the server will randomly kick people to alleviate room. I am not sure if it is coincidence that you get kicked as soon as you get on, or if your internet cant handle so many people on at the same time. Besides that im not sure how to help solve your problem.
it cant be that becouse it wil kick you only.
not disconnect your internet.
if you are using wifi it will be connected by windows so it is not our server ;-) .