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casham banned me (Appeal denied)


New Member
casham banned me on minecraft classic server for accidently burning her items on beta server. HELP I DIDN'T MEAN TO :(
Wait... you're the guy who was griefing around on the first temp map! You totally dont deserve an unban. I still remember your words, after Cash warned you "I'll stop griefing if you dont ban me", and after you got a negative response, you kept acting like a total douche. :/
im friends with rober29 he even gave me his stuff, man after u went robert even trusted me, i was on that server the day after, the next day and the next. until it came to this day, when its DOWN.
Yes you tried to force casham to remove your ban, after he gave you many warnings, by threatening to greif. Dont use me being nice to you as a reason to get unbanned- i try to be nice to everyone :)
Your words afterwards led me to beleive you didnt care that your were banned...
ok listen its time to confess, ethan did not want to get anyone in trouble but ethan gave me a free trial on minecraft and i did not know what to do, after the argument with casham, ethan decided not to get me in trouble and instead went through all of this. Also he called casham a she because of that pinky costume when i first met her.
So, if it was you playing on his account, why did he said that he is sorry for doing that?
Lying is never ever a good way to get out of the troubles.

What deviljelly said.

This is like, "My Brother Did it" !

Or He's secretly making a new account <.<
u see i am not that understandable with the english language and i realised what i've done, he is my best friend, always is. he would always watch my back and i would do the same to him, this basically means i deserve to be banned. my username: tardisjames0
If the owner of the account wasnt playing during the time of the offence why did the ban appeal state 'im friends with rober29 he even gave me his stuff, man after u went robert even trusted me, i was on that server the day after, the next day and the next'? So hannyhan20 also made the appeal?
Well, your english is better than his, and i didnt have problems with undesstanding people MUCH worse than you. :p
But, if its your best friend, admins can easily check the IPs - if they're same, you're lying and you just made a second acc, if they're not same, then i guess the 'everybody-gets-one' rule will unban you.
listen closely, i did something wrong on the first day, i told him about casham, then he was on it the next day and the rest of the days, remembering that he was enemies with casham because of the incident! ok?
Dude, don't bother. I remember when you got on later that same day in question and you asked if any mods were on and when you didn't get a response, you said something to the effect of destroying/causing trouble on the beta server. Clearly, you were wanting to see if anyone of any importance was on. There are always eyes on the server.