Check out something I made!


Active Member
Hello everyone. Recently I've been fond of making AMVS [ Anime Music Videos ] And decided to share a piece of work I did about 3 months ago.

This is kinda suckish, and bad, But my Sony Vegas is acting up weird now, so I cannot make anything new except the videos on my files.

This is a Amv I did 3 Months ago. I hope for you all to enjoy it the way I liked making it for the first AMV I ever made.

I'm not into Naruto at all, but I think that's a pretty neat video. I like the fight scenes set to the exciting actiony musics the most.
Yeah, for some reason my sony vegas messed up and that's when the sound went really loud. But I also found out that if you are on mumble it makes the sound modulate a little, according to ollee, so when I defeafened myself and muted myself the sound was not modulating at all, but the second song came out really loud. Sorry for that though :(

Thanks y2hecate and Wooty for responding to this, it's much appreicated! :D
Yeah.. That's happened a lot. I can re-upload it, and post it on here. But everytime i do so, it gets copyright'd claimed after about a couple of days... And 3 strikes of copyright claim and your account is terminated on youtube.. I've put copyright signs, disclaimers, and the whole paragraph in the copyright thing and it still gets copyrighted .:(
Gah.. AMVS... for the love of animae that is good.. don't use REQUIEM for a DREAM, 007 sound system, and 007 Sound System...

This is a serious statement, Capital Punishment applies.

P.S Tokyo has blocked your videos... for sum reason...
That is true, but, I know my friends have uploaded the same thing, and without the tokyo tv's signature, they put videos up and they never get disclaimed even if they put all the disclaimer signs in the description or if they don't .