Cinco de Mayo


Well-Known Member
Happy Cinco de Mayo folks! Today is the celebration of the 5th day of May in Mexico! The reason why Mexican celebrate Cinco de Mayo is because on this day in 1887 Juan Luiz Calderon defeated the Spanish Conquistadors in one of the most epic football (soccer) matches in history...or something like that. In any case today after work I'm going to a party and drink and be merry.

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Of course I am sitting this one out, after my four day hangover from Saturday I think my body needs a break. XD Drink one for me!
Really, It is more widely observed in the US, and only regionally observed in mexico. But none the less, lets celebrate some mexican heritage.
Sad, but true. It may have been just for a picture, but alot of people give their children alcohol, very sad. My wife says her dad gave her beer when she was young, and I had the occasional wine coming up.