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Classic Builds After Builder Promotion.


After becoming builder rank I've done a few builds, when feeling up for it.
So here are the screen shots of those builds.

Rainbow bridge
Mine rainbow bridge.png

Spiral tower
Spiral tower.png

Cereal (I don't even eat Cereal @_o)

Lava Mob
lava mob.png lava mob 2.png


House on water
big house on water.png

House on floating land (Had a little Help From Someone)
great house.png great house2.png great house3.png

Castle part 1.png Castle part 2.png Castle part 3.png Castle part 4.png Castle part 5.png Castle part 6.png

Stone dragon unfinished 1.png Stone dragon unfinished 2.png Stone dragon unfinished 3.png Stone dragon unfinished 4.png Stone dragon finished 1.png Stone dragon finished 2.png Stone dragon finished 3.png Stone dragon finished 4.png

That is about all For Now.:coffee:


  • Castle part 1.png
    Castle part 1.png
    328.8 KB · Views: 125
A few more I forgot add.

Again.. another House.

small house on hill.png small house on hill 2.png

And again another House.
big house.png back of big house.png

A snake and a ladder. ( A guest added a hat to finish it off )
rattle snake.png
I really like those houses. I've always had trouble building a house with brick and not making it look slightly retarded, but you've pulled it off well. If you don't mind...may I borrow heavily from this design for a house I may build someday in Survival?