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Classic Suggestion


What if, instead of people joining the server and beginning on the world where only... builder i think it is, can build there, make them join on guest so we wouldn't have so many people raging and then getting banned.

Ehh just a suggestion, sorry if this has been suggested before I wouldn't know if it has been.

Yes but the problem is not all of the newbs do that and they go off and try to build immeditately before taking note.
Ignorance isn't a viable excuse. We have the resources they need to do what needs to be done and yet they still remain oblivious of all that.

What they expect is everything done for them and that, quite frankly, is not going to happen. I, personally, like it this way-- it separates a lot of the griefers and absolutely clueless people from the good builders.

If people expect everything to be done for them, tough luck. They don't even deserve any type of rank if they can't and won't work towards that point.
Nice Xeadin, that's one of the best arguements I've heard in a LONG time. :thumbsup: Infact, I agree with you now.
Main can only be built in by Awesome+, and no one else has the ability to build there. When I say that, I don't mean they are not allowed to, I mean they actually can't. No one gets banned for trying to build in main because nobody but mods and admin can build there. Also, we put the sign in a very visible spot so people have to type /rules to learn how to build. If they can't read the rules, they can't use our server. Plain and simple. Its not about doing or not doing other things for people, its about properly informing people so they don't get in trouble, or preventing people from using stupid excuses like "well I didn't know it wasn't allowed". Thats why it is the way it is.

The more you know.