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Co-Op Build


I'm looking to ask a question about 3 things.

#1: I want to build a really large object on the guest world, but I want some help doing it.

#2: Could the build be worthy of a promotion if it's good, even though it's built by 2?

#3: If The person who helps me build it, would they recieve a promotion too, if their current rank allows it? (If not, hook me up with someone of same rank to me)

---And those are the 3 questions. I can hope to have a sketch of the build done by June 19th at 9:45am Central, and uploaded by 10:00am Central.
#1: I want to build a really large object on the guest world, but I want some help doing it.
#2: Could the build be worthy of a promotion if it's good, even though it's built by 2?
#3: If The person who helps me build it, would they recieve a promotion too, if their current rank allows it?
1. There's gotta be somebody who'll help. I know we have Damashki, who's our resident supermassive-design-whore. <3 amidoinitrite Problem is, he's usually on, um... uh, actually, I have no idea. You might be able to catch him on Classic. Anyway, we have almost 2,000,000 unique visitors to the servers. Gotta be someone.

2. If it's big, most likely. Just make sure it's not a giant eyesore, mmkay? Also, as long as you both put enough effort into building what you have in mind, you have an excellent chance at a promotion.

3. As for the one who helps you, again, it's about how much effort the person puts into the build. If they made, say, 10% of the build while you made the other 90%, then they have little chance of a promo (assuming their rank allows it). We're a lenient bunch of fools (most of the time), so you shouldn't worry too much.

PROTIP: I'm no Admin or Pro or anything, just a curious Cool. I'm looking forward to seeing whatchu got.
The Build I have in mind is actually specifically designed to be split in 2 halves. Almost Quite Literally. I just need to add a few more details and I'll upload the pic.
Ok, here is the completed Sketch attached.

I estimate the build to take at least 2 days, since my half I can only be on for up to 5 hours in the morning here, and I cant build fast and be precise.

I want the height of the building to be atleast World-Height Limit or within 10 blocks of it. As for width, I am currently unsure of that. Since the height will be more than the width, I'll work on a ratio when I have the height part atleast framed.

And, knowing that this build will be so large, it will attract some attention from greifers. I hope you guys don't mind looking after it when the 2 builders aren't online.

I'm looking to ask a question about 3 things.

#1: I want to build a really large object on the guest world, but I want some help doing it.

#2: Could the build be worthy of a promotion if it's good, even though it's built by 2?

#3: If The person who helps me build it, would they recieve a promotion too, if their current rank allows it? (If not, hook me up with someone of same rank to me)

---And those are the 3 questions. I can hope to have a sketch of the build done by June 19th at 9:45am Central, and uploaded by 10:00am Central.
After one year on Team9000 and many Coop Builds I can only confirm what Jazz said. It is allowed to build coop, you will find someone out of 2 Million unique players and the person would recieve a promotion if they did an sufficent amount of work.

i think (i think) that your not aloud 2 or more people to help you build for a rank up because of farness like he said up top 10% by one person 90% by other person so ya


View attachment 116233
This is not true because we can check how much of a build is built by who, so if somebody helps you with 10% it's perfectly fine, he probably will not get a promotion though.

And, knowing that this build will be so large, it will attract some attention from greifers. I hope you guys don't mind looking after it when the 2 builders aren't online.
We always have some Admins online, but if there is none just call for a builder and/or get on Mumble and talk to an Admin to get on. In most cases they get on. The worst thing you can do is fixing the grief. When somebody griefs you, just wait for an Admin to come online and show them. As soon as the griefer is banned, the whole grief will be reverted -> your whole work will be back.

I hope I could help!
After one year on Team9000 and many Coop Builds I can only confirm what Jazz said. It is allowed to build coop, you will find someone out of 2 Million unique players and the person would recieve a promotion if they did an sufficent amount of work.

This is not true because we can check how much of a build is built by who, so if somebody helps you with 10% it's perfectly fine, he probably will not get a promotion though.

We always have some Admins online, but if there is none just call for a builder and/or get on Mumble and talk to an Admin to get on. In most cases they get on. The worst thing you can do is fixing the grief. When somebody griefs you, just wait for an Admin to come online and show them. As soon as the griefer is banned, the whole grief will be reverted -> your whole work will be back.

I hope I could help!

Actually, It was rather helpful. Thank you. :biggrin:
After one year on Team9000 and many Coop Builds I can only confirm what Jazz said. It is allowed to build coop, you will find someone out of 2 Million unique players and the person would recieve a promotion if they did an sufficent amount of work.

This is not true because we can check how much of a build is built by who, so if somebody helps you with 10% it's perfectly fine, he probably will not get a promotion though.

o ok my bad sry


View attachment 116514

We always have some Admins online, but if there is none just call for a builder and/or get on Mumble and talk to an Admin to get on. In most cases they get on. The worst thing you can do is fixing the grief. When somebody griefs you, just wait for an Admin to come online and show them. As soon as the griefer is banned, the whole grief will be reverted -> your whole work will be back.

I hope I could help!
Ok, here is the completed Sketch attached.
View attachment 116460


THAT, good sir... I am just imagining the betterest most bestest possibility that can come out of Classic. Actually, I'm thinking more of Survival, from how I'm picturing the graphics.

That's a futuristic (slick n' shinyyy x3) obsidian (or black wool) double-lavafall, symmetric from front to back and side to side, with the 2 prominent curves for that futurism(?) effect and in the center, the all-powerful Forge of Oblivion. Feeding from a never-ending supply of molten material, this forge is so powerful, so bright, the undersides of the bridges above glow with brilliant hues of fire that rival the most perfect sunset.
Maybe, if you're lucky, you can make it so that the "bridges" above are circular. Idea explained in following pics.
When I saw the two parts and the two connectors, I instantly thought:
That's the Petronas Towers in Malaysia. See what I mean about the bridges? Then there's

the Ark, which is the source of my idea that you could make the "bridges" circular, possibly requiring to build a second set of "lavafalls" to anchor the bridges, 'cuz, you know, the Ark spits out Halos...

Anyway, that picture, now that I imagine it...
It's the kind of thing that makes God's cousin Norris have man-tears in his eyes.
I was thinking the Black Wool and Orange Wool, but when u said lava i think i'll take that. :rofl: So... Not exactly sure bout circular bridge but i'll keep in mind. You are only a cool, right Jazz? So if you wanna help me, i'll let you, im only a cool too
I was thinking the Black Wool and Orange Wool, but when u said lava i think i'll take that. :rofl: So... Not exactly sure bout circular bridge but i'll keep in mind. You are only a cool, right Jazz? So if you wanna help me, i'll let you, im only a cool too
I appreciate the offer, but my computer objects to nearly everything I think is cool:
Aw Hell Naw.jpg

10 frames/sec on lowest is mostly a myth for Classic, especially on WoM. Helping you seems like a fun idea (and it might get me up to Builderlolno), but I couldn't even if I wanted to. Kids and their souped-up magic wireboxes these days... (is jelly)
Currently I am working from a netbook with MC and One other game on it that is hooked u to a monitor and is running on wifi. It sucks so much, but I almost have enough money for a new gaming computer im looking at
As for someone to help you, I'd be happy to help. I have limited availability so if you want me to help out we would just need to talk about scheduling.
Alright, Kerz. I'll see what i can work out. How bout u do the same, see what u have available, and we'll talk again tommorow
And there goes my ability to get on a computer... so I'll be gone for a little while. hopefully there is a new guest world by then
I appreciate the offer, but my computer objects to nearly everything I think is cool:
View attachment 116558
10 frames/sec on lowest is mostly a myth for Classic, especially on WoM. Helping you seems like a fun idea (and it might get me up to Builderlolno), but I couldn't even if I wanted to. Kids and their souped-up magic wireboxes these days... (is jelly)
Only liking the pic not the comment about ur computer lol