Comands For Cool Rank


New Member
I would like to no if there are any new comands if you are a cool rank.
And also how do you fly and what rank do you need to be for it?
you can fly by downloading the world of minecraft client. and the only commands i know for cool are /water and /lava
Also, type /rinfo for all commands available to your rank. Type /rinfo <rank> for all commands for that rank. And you can use /w for water.
I was just about to make a thread for cool commands too! I knew about water and lava, but not about knowing your commands for your rank, Thanks!:)
P.S. A really helpful command for all ranks is "/p" (I think...), it lets you change the type of block you've placed without having to break it, open your inventory, and place the correct one, its very useful.