Computer Problems.


Well-Known Member
So recently I've been having overheating problems with my PC and couldn't for the life of me figure out why a liquid cooling unit was having issues keeping my PC cool. Well today the motor was making a weird noise so i decided I would get to the bottom of the problem and the PC craped out as i got up.

Now this is where you normally start praying that all things are fine and you offer whatever to whom ever that it is so. Then you reach back pull all the plugs loose and take a deep breath. This is where my sad tale both begins and ends in sorrow.

When i open the case I'm greeted by the pungent odor of electronics cooked to a ripe "fuck it i give up" and other equally terrible things. Laying my tired and defeated PC on it side i begin the task of finding out how fucked we both are and find dark liquid surrounding my precious I7 processor and mother board. The culprit is my liquid cooling unit having giving up the ghost failed harder than a one legged man at hurdles while juggling.
The picutres. (that's MELTED copper.)


Luckily there is some light at the end of the tunnel as the processor was covered but not murdered by the cooling fluid and after many many hours of taking things apart and cleaning them it seems that minor components that I thought damaged were merely very fucking hot and just need to cool off. Now the sad part is I need to replace my cooling unit (I've got 4 or 5 heat sinks laying around) and get some thermal paste and test everything put back together. While this may seem a happy ending the liquid cooling unit runs around 110$ US and if the I7 is toast it will be many a day before i can do anything about it as they cost loads.

The lesson to this story is Always Always find out what that new noise your PC is making could be.