CONTEST! -> Easy Contest Is Easy.


Well-Known Member
I don't even......I guess......The......I don't know...I was gonna like think of a funny story to explain it but just.....I don't.....fuck it....

video = Epitome of fuck shit mountain.
I don't even......I guess......The......I don't know...I was gonna like think of a funny story to explain it but just.....I don't.....fuck it....

video = Epitome of fuck shit mountain.
It isnt as easy as it may or may not suggest ;P
Guy: Hey look bitch I caught a fish.
Guy: Sit on me
Woman: Yeah sure *laughs*
Guy: *runs away* U mad bro?
Guy2: You got trolled. Need help ho?
Woman: Die in a fire......
- Later -
Guy: Yo wassup?
Woman: That guy just asked me for help?
Guy: well lets go in that direction and kick the F*CK outa him
- Later -
Guy: *shoves away grass* Nope he is not here.
Woman: *yelling and screaming*
Guy: *runs to the scene* Whats wrong?
Woman: *crying* I JUST SHAT MY PANTS!
Guy: Thats f*cking disgusting.
Woman: *more screaming*
Guy: aw jeeezzz its all over the place!!!! Wait, let me lick it off.
Woman and guy: FUUUUUUU
Guy2: TRrololol the end.
at first he is laughing he coz hes saying he pooed in the lake. Then he tells his wife that he did it and she throws the jug at him that she was collecting water in for drinking purposes because now she cant drink it. She then yells at him but she forgives him because his Radioactive poo killed a fish that they can eat for dinner.

*PLOT TWIST* they go on a hike and satisfy their sexual fantasies of being animals. but when there are sexual animals, there are always SEXUAL PREDATORS. A sexual predator attacks the wife and the horse man runs away in agony. The wife then uses PULL GRASS AND THROW AT PREDATOR! its super effective. thus scaring away the predator. the coward horse man comes back and takes his wife away. They now are lost and cant find what way is home. so they split up even tho there are sexual predators on the loose D:. The wife then begins to have her period so the Horse man chases her down and starts to try and eat the period away. The sexual predator is there watching and enjoying it. With his help surprisingly they get the period to go away. this "stupidity" amuses the predator and he tells them that now because he helped them they will both have aids. He runs away chuckling and now the horse man and wife all have aids.

*Plot twist* Yodas Asian brother and some old Lady are in a hut making opium. They speak about the force of the evil sexual predators and how they are nervous it will become to strong.

Back to the horse man who is playing with his snake. He then hears his wife Moaning. This is the period coming back. The evil inside her has grown far to large and she now becomes a predator herself. The video ends with mans Terrified face D:
Guy: Hey look bitch I caught a fish.
Guy: Sit on me
Woman: Yeah sure *laughs*
Guy: *runs away* U mad bro?
Guy2: You got trolled. Need help ho?
Woman: Die in a fire......
- Later -
Guy: Yo wassup?
Woman: That guy just asked me for help?
Guy: well lets go in that direction and kick the F*CK outa him
- Later -
Guy: *shoves away grass* Nope he is not here.
Woman: *yelling and screaming*
Guy: *runs to the scene* Whats wrong?
Woman: *crying* I JUST SHAT MY PANTS!
Guy: Thats f*cking disgusting.
Woman: *more screaming*
Guy: aw jeeezzz its all over the place!!!! Wait, let me lick it off.
Woman and guy: FUUUUUUU
Guy2: TRrololol the end.
Even more disturbing then the video itself...
In that country, instead of playing "Marco Polo" they play "Pervert and Lady". This is used as a type of foreplay.
Mr. Young , born in a swamp decided that he was tired of a wifeless life in the swampy waters of the swamp. Out for a swim he discovered a lady he deemed "wifeable". So he swam up to the lady, and decided to introduce himself. He was not prepared for her alarmed response. Worried he would lose his chance, he offered her a fish, in which she took the offer (because she was hungry). So off the went to frolic, and play horsey.
Mr. Hin also a swamp dweller, saw this, and became very jealous. So he decided to get revenge. While Mr. Young went off to find his new wife the most rarest flower in the field, Mr. Hin tried to take her away. She refused because she was now in love with Mr. Young. Now angered greatly, Mr. Hin decided to play a trick on Mr. Young. He puts a west African sticky cactus on Mrs. Young's behind. Mr. Young heard the cries of his new wife and ran to her rescue.
When Mr. Young returned he saw his new wife in pain, and tried to create a solution. Since west African sticky cactus is so dangerous and sometimes poisonous, he decided to remove it the best way he knew how: Swamp People style, with his teeth. However, this was a elder cactus, and it was extra sticky from years of being sticky, and Mr. Young also became attached to it.
Seeing this, Mr. Hin broke out into loud laughter, enjoying the fruits of his trickery. After a while however, he felt bad, as he knew what he did wasn't right, and decided to help them. Mr. Hin freed the couple from the sticky cactus. Mr. Hin decided to let them go, but not before a lecture on how he is not happy because he could not find a wife.
After Mr. Hin's lecture, Mr. and Mrs. Young went to become officially married by the local basket maker/reverend. Then they lived happily ever after.

Also: < sorry she's hot. Why you ask? Because it was in the related videos.

Edit: btw, I like how this contest has no actual prize.
Mr. Young , born in a swamp decided that he was tired of a wifeless life in the swampy waters of the swamp. Out for a swim he discovered a lady he deemed "wifeable". So he swam up to the lady, and decided to introduce himself. He was not prepared for her alarmed response. Worried he would lose his chance, he offered her a fish, in which she took the offer (because she was hungry). So off the went to frolic, and play horsey.
Mr. Hin also a swamp dweller, saw this, and became very jealous. So he decided to get revenge. While Mr. Young went off to find his new wife the most rarest flower in the field, Mr. Hin tried to take her away. She refused because she was now in love with Mr. Young. Now angered greatly, Mr. Hin decided to play a trick on Mr. Young. He puts a west African sticky cactus on Mrs. Young's behind. Mr. Young heard the cries of his new wife and ran to her rescue.
When Mr. Young returned he saw his new wife and pain, and tried to create a solution. Since west African sticky cactus is so dangerous and sometimes poisonous, he decided to remove it the best way he knew how: Swamp People style, with his teeth. However, this was a elder cactus, and it was extra sticky from years of being sticky, and Mr. Young also became attached to it.
Seeing this, Mr. Hin broke out into loud laughter, enjoying the fruits of his trickery. After a while however, he felt bad, as he knew what he did wasn't right, and decided to help them. Mr. Hin freed the couple from the sticky cactus. Mr. Hin decided to let them go, but not before a lecture on how he is not happy because he could not find a wife.
After Mr. Hin's lecture, Mr. and Mrs. Young went to become officially married by the local basket maker/reverend. Then they lived happily ever after.
That actually could be the right one..
So basicly the man and women overdosed on marijuana and the man finds and fish and the women bitch slaps him with the fish with her magical witch powers and they set off on a journey were the meet another man while they start to air hump the woman while acting like animals, but it all turns out it was just a perverted mans dream.