Coolest Video Game Monsters


Active Member
I'm curious, what do you think is one of the coolest monsters in video games and why?
Personally, I think the nurses from Silent Hill had to be some of the coolest I've seen because they didn't look that threatening to start with but when they started to twitch about in response to sounds in those weird angles, I freaked out.
Creeper- Minecraft

Nex- Runescape

Oryx the Mad God 2- Realm of the Mad God

Mini Sentry (The true spawn of Hell)- Team Fortress 2

Just to name a few, I might post some more later.
One boss that was actually INTERESTING to fight:

By interesting I mean like not impossible but still takes you a bunch of times to defeat it. 'Nuff said.
Is that a pikmin behind it or does it actually have a leaf?
You don't know about the bulbmin? They are the best enemies in Pikmin, hands down.
You kill the leader, and all the little bulbmin follow you around, and you can use them like pikmin.
It's so awesome :D