Creators of Music


Active Member
Alright, I've been searching for a while for somewhere to post about stuff I make, and there doesn't seem to be a thread exclusively for music community members have made themselves.

Original songs, covers, and general discussion about experiences about being in bands and stuff would be nice. I'm curious to see who else makes music themselves and/or with a band.

I didn't particularly want to make an entirely new thread to introduce one cover I've done, but at the same time I'm going to look a bit silly if I ask someone else to go first. So I'll slip this in here:

Feedback is of course welcomed too. I realise I'm a bit quiet, and I'm not the best singer or guitarist, but it's good fun and I'll probably record more stuff in the future.

Now post your stuff! :D
oh my, how did i not think of a thread like this
love the cover, you sound amazing! playing an instrument and singing at the same time is an amazing skill to have ;)

i don't really have recent stuff to show right now, but if someone needs advice on how to handle things in a band i'm your man :thumbsup:
might write an article or something about that sooner or later i guess
Thank you sir :E yeah it takes a bit of getting used to, even more tricky is moving round and staying in tune.. just the movement of my arm puts me off sometimes so I don't know how some artists pull off a dance routine as well haha.
Old stuff is good too! How long have you been playing? And how many bands have you been in? If you want to save it for the article that's fine, just link it to me when you're done :)
don't worry, feel free to ask :) I could use inspiration if i ever write it.
i've been playing guitar for 3 years now, saxophone since i was 8 or so and i also play a little piano and tin whistle.
people can give me any instrument and i'll be able to figure it out :p
i'm currently in 2 bands (different instruments :D) and i've been in one other which was less serious.
sadly, I kinda lost some friends because i left that one, but we're still cool with eachother
had about 3 small gigs in total

currently focussed on writing songs and learning how to vox

ps: i'm not anywhere near being a pro ;)
pps: i'll make a video very soon
Ahh I wanted to learn saxophone when I was 8 or 9... they told me I was too small and gave me a clarinet instead. Got bored after a couple of months.

Yes to both of these. :D
Whoever told you that hasn't heard of a sopranino sax.
Whoever told you that hasn't heard of a sopranino sax.
I have a soprano. I need to get a new mouthpiece and ligature before I pick it back up though~

(Soprano still requires a LOT of air. Not sure if an 8 year old could do it)
I used to play the trumpet (yes let's make a jazz band) but as of late i haven't touched one in....four, maybe five years?

I really want to learn the drums/and or piano. Someone teach Mighty.
I have a soprano. I need to get a new mouthpiece and ligature before I pick it back up though~

(Soprano still requires a LOT of air. Not sure if an 8 year old could do it)
An 8 year old can handle it if my five year old nephew can :p
Hey Jaffl3, may I ask what mic and camera you used?

For that video I just used a Canon EOS 1100d, although I have a Blue Snowball mic that I like to use when I'm only recording audio. My friend has it at the moment so I thought I would try my camera and the quality's better than I thought it would be :)
Also I liked your cover, I don't think I've listened to The Tallest Man on Earth before, so I'll just go and do that now :D
I've always wanted to learn the piano. According to my old music teacher, I have a stupidly good ear for identifying various parts of music, notes included. I managed to play the Song of Healing on the piano by ear. =w=
Maybe I just have a wimpy diaphragm...
A lot of people don't realize that there are multiple kinds of saxophone. They have specially-designed saxes for kids to learn on until their diaphragm is strong enough to handle a proper sax.

Edit: I feel I should also mention that sopranino saxophones don't take much more strength than a recorder.