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Cruler20 grief in and around Newbank


Well-Known Member
1. Broke nether portal next to Newbank city portal by taking an obsidian block, and also stole 2 nether brick fence from it.
1. Stole blocks from Christmas tree (redstone and lapis at least, not sure about glowstone) inside Newbank.

Log from 2 days ago:

LoremIp5um: :/
LoremIp5um: Some asshat destroyed the portal to the nether near Newbank
Cruler20: Who did what
Cruler20: Fuck
Cruler20: i cant get my other horse now
LoremIp5um: Somebody broke the nether portal at Newbank
LoremIp5um: aka you
Cruler20: no it was already broken
LoremIp5um: No I just used /prism i
DOS622: Griefers get banned.
Cruler20: i wanted the obsidion
LoremIp5um: "- Cruler20 broke obsidian 2h57m ago"
Cruler20: the portal didnt work

Note now he changed his story from "it was already broken" to "I wanted the obsidian" to "the portal didnt work" pretty quickly, so he's not very convincing.

Cruler20: i hoped that if by breaking it
Cruler20: i could fix it later
DOS622: How did it "not work", it's worked for months
Cruler20: well it said that that whatever nether didnt exsist
Cruler20: i am bad at spelling
DOS622: Did you try to make a portal in the Newbank city?
Cruler20: no
DOS622: Anyway please put back the obsidian that you took
Cruler20: i tried to go through it
DOS622: Players who haven't been to the Tower of Ozy aren't meant to be able to use the nether, so
DOS622: maybe the admins are enforcing that again.
DOS622: *maybe the SERVER is enforcing that
Cruler20: Dang
(From LoremIp5um): I have screenshots of what's happened at the portal btw
DOS622: Once you're already at Newbank, it's pretty easy to get to the ToOT, but please fix the portal 1st.
(To LoremIp5um): His story sounds mostly legit other than "I wanted the obsidian" :/
(From LoremIp5um): Yeah
(To LoremIp5um): but thanks
Cruler20: I died in newbank earlier due to my Dumb Fuck horse
Cruler20: i will make another obisidion block
Cruler20: once i figure out why i cant use buckets
DOS622: You can't use buckets until you go to the ToOT. So what happened to the block you took?
Cruler20: i went to newbank to see what was there
Cruler20: never had seen it before today
Cruler20: and my horse killed me by suffication
DOS622: Oh you live with bluesparrow right? I think he lives closer to the ToOT than Newbank is XD
Cruler20: yeah
DOS622: Oh well I guess you'd better get there quickly so you can fix the portal :D
Cruler20: that was 2 hours ago
Cruler20: plus my stuff was gone when i got there
DOS622: Oh that sucks
Cruler20: because i didnt have a horse
Cruler20: but if i can get diamonds
Cruler20: i can fix it
Cruler20: it will be fixed only by me
Cruler20: my rules are
Cruler20: if i break something i fix it
DOS622: oh so you literally broke the obsidian block, you didn't receive one because you didn't have a
DOS622: diamond pickaxe? XD
Cruler20: nope
Cruler20: i had the block
Cruler20: and a diamond pick
Cruler20: but both gone now
Cruler20: because my horse is stupid
DOS622: oh :( you rode your horse into a house or something?
Cruler20: yep
LoremIp5um: Ooh dayum
Cruler20: yeah
LoremIp5um: I've spawned a new Nether portal outside Newbank...
Cruler20: what?
Cruler20: Fuck that
LoremIp5um: A new nether portal outside Newbank, not the one with the broken obby
DOS622: Lorem: would you be willing to repair the "proper" portal, and have Cruler owe you obsidian? If not
DOS622: I can come to some arrangement with him.
LoremIp5um: I'll repair it
Cruler20: no
DOS622: It's a shame the game doesn't search for broken portals in a 128 block radius XD
Cruler20: my stupidity
Cruler20: *caused it
DOS622: Cruler: I don't think we want to wait for you to go to ToOT, find diamonds, etc. though.
Cruler20: so i fix it
DOS622: Lorem just caused 14 obsidian to spawn so he has obsidian XD
LoremIp5um: I just hope it hasn't fucked up the pathway though
DOS622: which pathway, the one between the city portal and the nether portal?
LoremIp5um: Nope
LoremIp5um: The road north
LoremIp5um: The new portal spawned right next to the broken one (which is now fixed)
DOS622: ahh XD
DOS622: it's a crappy road anyway, the only thing I put effort into was the bridge :)
Cruler20: ill get you the obsidion next time.... i gota go
Cruler20 left the game.

So at this point he's wasted a bunch of our time already, I've just had to repair the road from when LoremIp5um accidentally spawned a new portal.

Here's the nether portal as repaired by LoremIp5um but with nether brick fence missing:


I don't see why Cruler20 might have thought that removing the nether brick fence would help him to get the portal to work.

I just noticed he also stole blocks from my Christmas tree in Newbank.

Before (21st of December):


After (today):


Notice the missing blocks on the bottom level of the leaves. I think there are more missing blocks around the side of the tree too.

Thanks a lot Cruler20, I had better things to do than spend time going through my logs and taking screen shots of your destruction.
may I add that he stole a saddle of my horse. which probably was the stupid horse he was talking about