Cthulhu is real...


Well-Known Member

"Cthulhu is real, and it wants to meet you! It's totally adorable but you should probably run."
i liked the info they gave us, "This guy came out of the booth to gift us a crab. What a friendly dude!"

haha i want one!!

"Cthulhu is real, and it wants to meet you! It's totally adorable but you should probably run."

Cthulhu: My subjects! Why do you flee from me, instead of embrace me? Can you not see that your king has returned?! Come, gather!

(Humans back away and continue snapping pictures.)

Cthulhu: Bah! I see my return is met with irreverence. *belches and vomits crab* Very well then... I shall return to my divine realm, away from you miserable mortals.
oh and while we're at it