Dark Souls Discussion thread


Well-Known Member
So yeah.. I recently bought Dark Souls for the PS3. And what I can say.. is that it is incredibly hard. No joke here fellas, learning chords on the guitar is easier. Heck, God of War 3 on Chaos mode is easier.

Thus, I created this thread for a specific reason. To help out my fellow buds by telling each other stories and strategies to make the game a little easier and more enjoyable.

Tell me a little about your character, what'd you do.

Maybe your stuck? Maybe I can help.

P.S Please don't troll or derail this thread too much.
I created a warrior, and I'm around level 45 now. I just got to Anor Londo a couple days ago, and have been taking a little break from the game since then. If anyone didn't know, there's actually a stealth mechanic in the game, which is dependent on how heavy the armour you're wearing is, and how fast you're walking. I was going for mostly a high armour, blocking class, but switched over to a more evasion, light blocking when I found the Shadow Armour set in Blighttown.

If you're looking for a powerful sword early on in the game that will pretty much carry you all the way up to the 40's... SPOILER ALERT!!!! Don't read past this if you want to discover this for yourself.

The Red Dragon that you come across very early on in the game, which ends up perching itself on the opposite end of the bridge right after the Taurus Boss, drops a kick ass Drake Sword if you shoot it's tail with arrows. You can't run across the bridge to get to him, since he will breath fire down the bridge killing you instantly (for the most part). You want to run up that same bridge, but there's a point where you can go to the right, and down a set of stairs to get under the bridge. You can then shoot it's tail from there, and the sword will automatically be put in your inventory. It's a base 200 sword I think, but the downside is that it doesn't scale with your str or dex, and while it can be upgraded, it peaks a lot lower than other base weapons. But like I said, it's an amazing weapon for the first 40 or so levels when you don't have very much str or dex anyways.
I created a warrior, and I'm around level 45 now. I just got to Anor Londo a couple days ago, and have been taking a little break from the game since then. If anyone didn't know, there's actually a stealth mechanic in the game, which is dependent on how heavy the armour you're wearing is, and how fast you're walking. I was going for mostly a high armour, blocking class, but switched over to a more evasion, light blocking when I found the Shadow Armour set in Blighttown.

If you're looking for a powerful sword early on in the game that will pretty much carry you all the way up to the 40's... SPOILER ALERT!!!! Don't read past this if you want to discover this for yourself.

Hehe I know of the Drake Sword and how powerful it can be.

I am running a lvl22 Knight with the Masterkey. Knights don't flinch for some reason and is kind of forgiving considering they can soak up quite a healthy amount of Damage.

Presently I'm in the Depths dealing with the Gaping Dragon. And yes, I've been cursed 2 times in my career. Sorted it out though thanks to internets. =)

One thing I've learnt is that for most part... you'll be fighting alone. The online system is poorly done and finding help by teaming up with your buds is an impossible task. Sure you can work with Solaris sunshine man, but at expense to humanity.

I'm not sure if I need to grind more to kill the next boss though.
I don't know if anyone has tried to co-op in this game or not, but the system is pretty much broken. I've tried to summon or be summoned, and a good 95% of the time I'll get a summoned failed message. There have been a lot of people complaining on the official message board, and they've apparently finally responded and said they are looking into the problem. Hopefully they do something with the way the system currently works (matchmaking), and get it fixed.
Yep.. they made Co-op incredibly complex and difficult. There are many parameters that need to be considered before Co-op can actually take place... I hope they make it as simple as Monster Hunter.
The worst part about it is that the system they have in place for Dark Souls is actually worse than the previous game, Demon's Souls. I figured it would at least be on par with that system, but apparently not, lol.
One thing I've also learned... Endurance is my favorite stat.

Why? It makes every turn MY TURN. If that enemy flinches, that enemy is as good as dead. I keep hammering away 7 days till sunday. Also, having more endurance allows me to block virtually anything without taking damage. So much for heavy hitters, if side-stepping fails. And I can carry more without being encumbered. I still move fast in heavy armor.. like a 30.2 / 61.0 But I can only carry one weapon though.

The green bar is my best friend in dark souls; not that stupid knight at the bonfire who loves to laugh at my misfortune. He can go run away to the circus for all I care.