DC Universe Online Beta (PS3)


Active Member
I just finished downloading the PS3 beta of this game (15GB), and the first 4-5 hours have been very enjoyable. There's a ton of character creation options, and from what I can see, a lot of different fighting techniques. As of now, there seems to be a lot of content from the get go, which seems to be a problem with a lot of MMO's in their initial launch window. I'm currently only level 8, but I'll be playing it some more today, and I'll update if the content stream remains steady or trails off.

The game is also very heavy on the action side if that's your thing. There's an active block button that allows you to block attacks in real time, as opposed to a (pseudo)turn based system that a lot of MMO's follow. There's been plenty of loot, with random stats and plenty of inventory slots to equip them to. One thing I like, is that when you equip an item, you get the effects of the item, but you can actually choose the look of your character completely separate from what they are actually wearing. So when you equip an item, the 'look' of it goes into your character database menu, and you can switch looks on the fly depending on what you've equipped previously, while still retaining the stat boosts of the most powerful item you've found for that particular slot.
I'm not a fan of not looking like the gear you have equipped. PvP comes to mind, how are you supposed to know just how strong the person you are fighting against really is? Just my opinion. Hopefully this thing actually makes it, so many MMOs flopping.