Dead Island Trailer


Active Member
This game was originally announced in '07, but not much of anything has be shown since then:

New video interview:
I watched it earlier today. What kind of sick people would make a trailer like that? Do they have hearts? Oh wait... They are polish(not racist to polish people, it is a joke). Do any of them have children or something... I feel sad for all the parents who watched this, wonder what they thought. Me personally, it did not affect me to the extent that I have read other people have felt.

It might actually be a good game. Free roam, 4 player co-op, or so I have heard.
Wow.... that's incredibly twisted. I honestly don't have much else to say on the matter.
I am pretty sure it will sell very well, in all fairness that trailer was very well done and will do exactly what it was meant to do which is cause a little controversy and a lot of promotion for the game that if it follows suit has huge potential for an awesome zombie horror survival game.
I am pretty sure it will sell very well, in all fairness that trailer was very well done and will do exactly what it was meant to do which is cause a little controversy and a lot of promotion for the game that if it follows suit has huge potential for an awesome zombie horror survival game.
Yea, but still, it's... a lot more over the top than what's usually done for survival games, you don't usually see kids. It makes it even more attached to human emotion with the pictures of them on vacation at the end.
Yea, but still, it's... a lot more over the top than what's usually done for survival games, you don't usually see kids. It makes it even more attached to human emotion with the pictures of them on vacation at the end.

but thats the point right, the same reason that in dawn of the dead you always remember the scene with the little girl at the end of the hallway at the very beginning of the movie. It adds what is always just assumed but never brought to light in those games, perhaps the game will take the routes that most zombie anythings leave out. The best zombie books/movies/games show the controversial heart string tugging things and remind you that zombies dont care about emotions or that you are only a child...they only care that you are meat.
This looks so amazing... Best trailer I've ever seen tbh... Just hope it finally gets released D:
Edit: Found the game website :D Deep Silver is going to publish this year :D Here's the website
I wonder if they will make multi platform co-op Capabilities :o That might be pretty interesting :3 anyways ill probably get it on 360 <.<
but thats the point right, the same reason that in dawn of the dead you always remember the scene with the little girl at the end of the hallway at the very beginning of the movie. It adds what is always just assumed but never brought to light in those games, perhaps the game will take the routes that most zombie anythings leave out. The best zombie books/movies/games show the controversial heart string tugging things and remind you that zombies dont care about emotions or that you are only a child...they only care that you are meat.

But this goes psychologically deeper than just a movie. It's a video game, there's interaction. It's not the exact same thing.
But this goes psychologically deeper than just a movie. It's a video game, there's interaction. It's not the exact same thing.

but then we get into the argument of video games as an art form, and ultimately the use of a child and other things considered taboo in storytelling, and also a select story of a family fighting off a group of zombies is just going to be used to cause the viewer to be drawn into the story. I highly doubt that in the game itself you will have anything to do with that particular family because they clearly died in this teaser, the only way I see them being involved in the game itself is to use them as a part of the development of the story and to even possibly add to the character development within the game....or this is just a teaser trailer about a zombie game based in a tropical paradise that grabs your attention and the end result will have nothing to do with the charaters that are shown in the trailer...but ultimately interactivity or not the best storys are the ones that show the details most feel as taboo. Check out the comic book series "the walking dead" there are several instances in that series where the raw details are shown and although they are absolutly horrific they really show an angle of human nature and inhuman nature that could possibly and more than likely would be seen in a true zombie apocolypse.
but then we get into the argument of video games as an art form, and ultimately the use of a child and other things considered taboo in storytelling, and also a select story of a family fighting off a group of zombies is just going to be used to cause the viewer to be drawn into the story. I highly doubt that in the game itself you will have anything to do with that particular family because they clearly died in this teaser, the only way I see them being involved in the game itself is to use them as a part of the development of the story and to even possibly add to the character development within the game....or this is just a teaser trailer about a zombie game based in a tropical paradise that grabs your attention and the end result will have nothing to do with the charaters that are shown in the trailer...but ultimately interactivity or not the best storys are the ones that show the details most feel as taboo. Check out the comic book series "the walking dead" there are several instances in that series where the raw details are shown and although they are absolutly horrific they really show an angle of human nature and inhuman nature that could possibly and more than likely would be seen in a true zombie apocolypse.
tl;dr but basically those people are dead lol kthx
I am really looking forward to this game, but I am really looking forward to the articles damning it....guna be good times.
but then we get into the argument of video games as an art form, and ultimately the use of a child and other things considered taboo in storytelling, and also a select story of a family fighting off a group of zombies is just going to be used to cause the viewer to be drawn into the story. I highly doubt that in the game itself you will have anything to do with that particular family because they clearly died in this teaser, the only way I see them being involved in the game itself is to use them as a part of the development of the story and to even possibly add to the character development within the game....or this is just a teaser trailer about a zombie game based in a tropical paradise that grabs your attention and the end result will have nothing to do with the charaters that are shown in the trailer...but ultimately interactivity or not the best storys are the ones that show the details most feel as taboo. Check out the comic book series "the walking dead" there are several instances in that series where the raw details are shown and although they are absolutly horrific they really show an angle of human nature and inhuman nature that could possibly and more than likely would be seen in a true zombie apocolypse.
Good insight, I guess I just find kids a touchy subject, and know what it feels like to lose a family member, and the way they put the whole thing together is really mindblowing to be able to make me actual feel something like that.
Good insight, I guess I just find kids a touchy subject, and know what it feels like to lose a family member, and the way they put the whole thing together is really mindblowing to be able to make me actual feel something like that.

the sign of a great story is one that makes you a part of it.
This thread has shown a side of t9k you do not normally see. A mature deep side, like the ocean.
This thread has shown a side of t9k you do not normally see. A mature deep side, like the ocean.
Because ~10 people even look in this forum category. If this was in minecraft it would have been at least 30 different pictures, a promotion request, an unban request, amd posting something that no one can comprehend, and me with a :facepalm:
Because ~10 people even look in this forum category. If this was in minecraft it would have been at least 30 different pictures, a promotion request, an unban request, amd posting something that no one can comprehend, and me with a :facepalm:
This is such a win, it deserves pie.
Because ~10 people even look in this forum category. If this was in minecraft it would have been at least 30 different pictures, a promotion request, an unban request, amd posting something that no one can comprehend, and me with a :facepalm:
