
Anyone pick up Defiance? I grabbed it yesterday for 360, and it's not terrible.
It's had a few bugs / issues out the gate, but I'm willing to cut it a little bit of slack because it's the first time anyone has tried anything of this scale (the game / TV show crossover).

Apparently every week they're doing a series of "Episode Missions" that tie directly to the upcoming episode of the show, and I can honestly say that after completing the first set, the 15 minute preview was all the more enjoyable because it did tie together well. Like I said, I only had a day to play around, but it seems decent, and I'm looking forward to having a new Sci Fi genre show to nerd out with.

tl;dr version:
Game decent MMOShooter (so far), TV show looks good too. Anyone else playing?
I didn't buy the game, but I have been watching the show. The show is OK. There are some plot holes and oversight, but I'm giving it some time to build itself up, since it's trying to do a lot. I'm hopeful it'll start getting good, it has a lot of potential.
Yuky, TimmyB, DougJlb, Nettech09, Jvp, Putrid and myself play it on and off, I've finished all the story/side quest missions and was nice and lengthy, however they got quite repetitive.

Playing the game I can't help but get a huge Borderlands vibe from it (Not just gameplay but UI elements).

Also... Ladders!

The TV show seems interesting enough, however I can't help but shake this feeling that it's going to be axed.
I was really interested in this game, but one again my lack of funds thwarted me, so I'll just settle for watching the show.
Oh, and if anyone's characters make it onto the show, even if It's just a cameo, I want to hear about it.