Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Well-Known Member

Anyone played the leaked out preview?
To me it felt A WHOLE LOT like playing Mass Effect. The Atmosphere and design was pretty similar. It had a very similar chat system where you could choose to find out more info. The soundtrack reminded of ME too. It also gave you the option before a mission to choose your weapon loadout: Stealth or Rungunning and the story looked interesting. It ran damn well on my laptop, to my surprise, and was extremely rich in detail. I'll try to post some footage of me being owned. In the action scenes it's a cover based shooter, or at least it pretty much set's it like that when it designates the left-click for taking cover.
theres a leaked version outtttt whhhhhaaaat?
but i kinda also got the feeling that this games gonna be another flop like crysis 2
like crysis 2
first of all, the dissapointment that came from crysis is related more to it's heritage, the pc platform to which it was bound. The gameplay mechanics and general style and direction was directed towards pc gameplay. Then they decided to streamline it more for the consoles and it failed.

I can't compare Crysis 2 to Deus Ex, as there were different expectations/goals for the games. It looked like they really wanted to appeal to the old fanbase of the Deus Ex series.
first of all, the dissapointment that came from crysis is related more to it's heritage, the pc platform to which it was bound. The gameplay mechanics and general style and direction was directed towards pc gameplay. Then they decided to streamline it more for the consoles and it failed.

I can't compare Crysis 2 to Deus Ex, as there were different expectations/goals for the games. It looked like they really wanted to appeal to the old fanbase of the Deus Ex series.
Well put, Hawke. Console ports are usually technically bound by the older technology placed into Xboxs and PS3s. Besides, you can't really call Crysis 2 terrible; it would be an overstatement.
Crysis 2 isn't bad... I played it on the PS3 and it was awesum !

Wish i had a larger TV to spot the itty-bitty baddies.