Disney plans to Make 2 New Star Wars Games


Well-Known Member
You have already lost a dream to play Star Wars: Battlefront 3? There is still hope! Kotaku published the info received from Disney, according to which the company plans to release a prequel to the Battlefront 3 that is named Star Wars First Assault.
There were rumors about First Assault last fall, although there was very little information to make any predictions. A new Star Wars series shooter’s release was estimated on this spring, but most of all, it will be postponed along with Star Wars 1313.

Star Wars First Assault is a Battlefield-like shooter in the setting of the George Lucas’ universe. The game was focused on the battles up to 16 players on a single map in several different modes. Also, the developers planned to do a small single-player campaign, to uncover more story of the rebels and stormtroopers conflict.


In addition, it is known that one of the programmers’ teams was working on the creation such prototypes as: spaceship TIE Fighter, walker AT-ST, ground tanks, and more. First Assault - is a classic shooter, and so, unfortunately, there can not be any Jedi . In the trailer you can see the Bespin and Tatooine planetes’ gameplay area .

The Star Wars First Assault, Star Wars: Battlefront 3, Star Wars 1313 current projects status is still unknown.
Last I heard (which this story doesn't seem to state otherwise), those game have been postponed until after the Disney/Lucasfilm merger is finished and Disney can figure out what to do with these titles. Basically, these games are effectively cancelled until further notice. Someone inside Lucasarts is leaking some of this info. Probably due to being angry about not being able to complete these projects, or to drum up enough buzz from the public to maybe coax Disney into resuming the projects sooner rather than later.

Also, link to source?
Wellp. LucasArts has gone back to being a licensed-only developer. Meaning, 1313 and First Assault are cancelled. Oh, and 150 people were laid off today at LucasArts because of this shift. What does it mean?

LucasArts will work only on licensed movie property movies from here on out (ex: Star Wars: Episode VII: The Game!)

Wellp. LucasArts has gone back to being a licensed-only developer. Meaning, 1313 and First Assault are cancelled. Oh, and 150 people were laid off today at LucasArts because of this shift. What does it mean?

LucasArts will work only on licensed movie property movies from here on out (ex: Star Wars: Episode VII: The Game!)


I heard about this earlier today, Disney has really managed to rustle my jimmies, God help us for their decisions on Star wars VII.
I appreciate the gesture they are trying to appeal to nerds instead of more tweentime of children I cannot relate to.
LucasArts liquidation only seemed inevitable.

Knights of the Old Republic and Battlefront were both from outside studios. I do however hope someone picks up 1313 for the love of god.
I think had LucasArts had a better pedigree in recent game releases, the decision to make licensed games wouldn't have happened. This is an issue where the developer rested on it's laurels and the assumption that being a part of such a well-known and profitable company would result in it being able to churn out mediocre games. It's a good lesson to learn, and one that has been taught before.

There are so many different facets and nuances and caveats in the Star Wars universe that are pretty good stories, and they could be made into incredible games. LucasArts had basically free reign to ALL of it, and they didn't capitalize on it. Now they're being consumed into the Disney megapolis and relegated to churning on games based on films ro shows they release. I'm not saying these games won't be good, but the ability for any developer to create these games in the future are now going to be very small. Disney will need to make sure the game and story are within their guidelines/limits for profitability and "family designed" media. Had Bioware tried to make TOR after the merger,do you think they would have been able to? I'm skeptical.

I'm certain Disney will make good Star Wars films, that's their bread-and-butter (filmmaking), but they are not consistent when it comes to games. Granted, they have improved over time (partly because they've acquired better and better game developers), but I am always leary about a Disney produced game.
Rouge squadron? Is that like a game where you put makeup on stormtroopers?

Yes. I remember playing it on N64 and you could unlock Yoda's hut in Dagobah if you won first place in the Alderaan Beauty Contest as Chewbacca.

You make one typo and that's all people focus on. Well, I fix'd it. And you know what I mean.
Yes. I remember playing it on N64 and you could unlock Yoda's hut in Dagobah if you won first place in the Alderaan Beauty Contest as Chewbacca.

You make one typo and that's all people focus on. Well, I fix'd it. And you know what I mean.
When the one typo is the point of your post, I'm going to.

Also, my point was that Lucasarts used to be a good game studio, but they haven't produced anything good in a long time. The great work has been done by licensing companies. My condolences go out to the developers and their family's... But there's no point in keeping a group around as a monument to their former glory.

Also... Republic commando was OKAY.