Dollar Shave Club

While I know that you think that I am a badass, and I am, I'm a classy badass. And the ladies get scared when they see a machete in the bathroom.

Now, if I could shave with a ninja star I would. Bitches love ninja stars.
They absolutely love ninja stars. I would try this if I shaved more often, but I only shave every 4-5 days and change blades once every 2 months or so. I might just order for like 3 months and be set for a year!
They absolutely love ninja stars. I would try this if I shaved more often, but I only shave every 4-5 days and change blades once every 2 months or so. I might just order for like 3 months and be set for a year!
I signed up to try the basic package, so I'll let you guys know how it is. I shave like every other day, so it should be decent for me.
ok, since this thread was revived, wanted to give an update. I bought into dollar shave club, but so did the rest of the internet. I ordered the 6 dollar version from them, and 3 days later I got an email basically apologizing that they were not at all prepared for the flood of signups, and I could either wait 3 months for my razor, or I could get a refund. I waited a while, but I went ahead and got my refund.

I do plan to try this again, but I think I am going to wait for the hype to die down a bit, I will let you guys know how things go on the second run.
Alright, so I just used my razor from them for the first time. I bought the cheapest rung. Due to supply issues from them, and the fact that I was getting them sent to my mom's house I just now got to this.

First, I have to say that I'm used to shaving with a Gilette 5 blade, shaving with this was fairly different. I have to say, that the blades were fairly decent quality. I think that my issues were because I'm not used to shaving with a 2 blade razor. Everything seems to be of decent quality. The connector on the blade seems a little low quality.... but when you've got five of them a month to go through it's not that bad. I think the 2 blade razor would have been better if my whiskers hadn't been so long (I don't think I've shaved for like 5 days now.)
When i first started growing my man face bush I didn't shave for a full year. First shave was like trekking through the Amazon Forest. With a toothpick
When I have too much man-beard sexiness for a razor I have a beard trimmer to use. Honestly, I probably should have used that.
While on the topic of shaving ... obviously it's a bit more expensive, but I can't say enough about They temper existing blades (ala Gillete, etc.) thru a cryogenic process (-300 F) much like some Nascar and other racing mechanics do to engine parts/blocks/etc. to make them more durable. I've always preferred he Mach 3 blades to the newer 5+ behemoths, they provide the best shave for myself and it's insane how much longer these blades last for me. I tend to shave, at the most, every 3 days and I've found one blade will typically last me about around 5-6 weeks, with a smooth shave throughout; no rough pulls, cuts, etc. Generally the lotion/gel strip wears out long before the blades do.