Don's musical adventure thingies


Well-Known Member

Well I thought I'd make a thread containing all the stuff I've done and hope to get some feedback out of it.
To help my on my "adventure" you I'd so much appreciate if you'd Like my Facebook Page, Subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me on my Soundcloud page, if you happen to have one.

I made my first project on the first program I used, FL Studio, on the 22th of october 2010, But it seems i started getting really into it around Newyear.
Afterwards I got to finishing my first mix ever on the 10th of february, a remix on the song "Staccato" by Fruits 'n' Juice, Called "Fruits 'n' Stuff".

Disregarding its simplicity, it's still one of my most popular productions, if not THE most popular, due to it's catchyness and summery feel.

That mix gave me more self-confidence and I kept on going ever since.
I made this, for example

I moved onto Ableton afterwards, hoping it would suit me and well, it did. I'm truly in love with the program and I'm not leaving it anytime soon. I created my first file ever on ‎monday ‎7th ‎march ‎2011, ‏‎19:41:52 (19h = 7pm)
Only a month afterwards I made what I think is one of my most underrated pieces, "For those who are".

It's a soothing summer song that gives you a fresh feeling. Like mint chocolates omnomnom.

With the regular monthly interval, I made a remix on a song by my sister's band, Greetings from Solaris, which no longer exists. The song's called "Stuck in between", I gave it the name "The Shade's Eyes"

It's a soft dubstep mix, I like it, disregarding its repetitiveness.

Last month I created my proudest work, my remix of Pony Pony Run Run's "Hey you"

And today, I made a little teaser for my next song, that the most people in Minor Inconvenience probably already heard ..a lot.

UPDATE 7/24/2011

My first time mixing, It's an electro house mixtape and turned out very well in my opinion

Give some feedback on this one since it's the first time I've ever mixed.
Chuck norris approved.png
Holy moly, why have I not seen this before? DO LIKE. WANT MORE.
Woot if you spent more time in Minor inconvenience you would of heard his music 4 months ago. and also woot im not sure if you know this but you're even IN one of his latest songs :3
(I put together the trailer for him)
mines more focused on entertainment rather then fame. :D
1st of all i have no idea what you're talking about. and second of all the music itself is more important than the video. So you really didn't have to troll and say "Herp derp mine is better derp".