drawing time!

Just got done with this piece. Went for something vibrant.
Ok, so I'm going to upload a new picture every other week or so whenever I do a quick sketch. The idea of this is that I want to become better at drawing (since I SUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK) and if I do it this way I can see a progression of quality (hoping that I see an increase and not just stagnant).

So with out further ado, here's my first shitty sketch:

Decided to do it of Enrico Maxwell (because I'm a weeb) and put his glasses on because I struggled with the eyes too much. Also I'm aware of how bad the arms turned out, but it was too late for me to change them, so I tried my best to make them work (I failed). Also, sorry for the shit quality of the image, my scanner isn't big enough to scan the paper I used.
Once again. Thank God for giving someone the ability to develop Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper. That face makes me want to murder people. I thoroughly HATE it.

And no, it's not your face Motorkat, its that friggin ugly avatar face that makes me want to skin people, disembowel them and strangle them with their own intestines, set fire to their children and rape them with random sharp objects.

I've never seen an image that evoked more anger honestly. Something about it really screws me up.

I want to make sure it's 100% clear. I like you Motorkat. You are cool, but that avatar is directly from Satans ejaculate.

No worries now though. I can't see it at all anymore and I feel wonderful knowing that. I even blocked the image itself. I just was shocked when i saw it in this thread (after already blocking the avatar and avatar thumb days ago) then I started having homicidal thoughts again.

woah... I've felt quite similar about it, dunno why...
the other one's fuckin adowable though! :3
Krysonain NEW CONCEPT fancy.png

I've posted this 'species' before but only now have I done a legitimate concept and gone all out on designing these beauties. I've still got to add the markings and scales but the concept is as solid as I'm ever going to get it.
Opinions? Y/N?

Also, here's one with some tattoos.
Krysonain NEW CONCEPT fancy BLUE TATTOOS.png
A cover art I did for a friends album
Each song on the album had a light (happy, trance upbeat vibe) version and a dark (subtle dubstep, more darkish tone) of a similar sounding song so I went with a light and dark side theme for the album cover and incorporated my landscape painting style into it. Also, had a Japanese-ish undertone so I titled the sides with light and dark in japanese and the album title has something to do with it, I can't remember what. His dj name is in japanese in the corner.
Sketched version of my FB photo, then decided to ink and color it. For whatever reason, i have a current fascination with incorporating pointilism to drawings... (the paper is not meant for markers anyway, so *shrug*)