Dual screen software


Well-Known Member
As the title says, I'm looking for a decent dual screen software must have the basic stuff as setting a different wallpaper for each screen, having a wallpaper span across both screens etc. If you got any, wouldn't mind one with the option of spanning the task bar across both screens too.

And I'd very much prefer if it was free.

So yeah, thank's in advance, I know you guys got me ;D
Yeah I used it before, but the update prompts and popups, and "buy the full version for goodies" prompts kind of annoyed me...

Agreed but that is why you install it, set up everything and tell it not to load on boot, that way it doesn't run in the background and pester you. ^_^
Your settings stay even if it's set to not launch on boot.
Agreed but that is why you install it, set up everything and tell it not to load on boot, that way it doesn't run in the background and pester you. ^_^
Your settings stay even if it's set to not launch on boot.
That is true, I guess with all the nasties it reset and ran in the background as i recall setting it up not to do so, aaand I just couldn't be asked to disable it :D
Anyways, using the dual screen thingamajig wooty provided, it's nice and simple, and all is fine and dandy! :D
I kinda wanted to do this as well in the near future, so thanks Rem for making the thread and thanks Wooty for providing the links!