Dungeon Defenders


Well-Known Member
Finally, Dungeon Defenders launches today :thumbsup: I know Casham and Yuky have both purchased along with myself, so who else pre-ordered the game? I'm looking forward to joining in on a 4 player game. I should be home/online by around 6:30 (CST) this evening if anyone else is online.
I sent one to ConroD and one to Tshinotu so they've also got it. I won't be home this weekend, sadly, and 6:30 CST would be 02:30 AM for me ._.
Just played it and I must say it's much better then I'd hoped for! Will be putting in loads of hours in this game. Went through the tutorial with the apprentice but changed to the monk which is now lvl 6, hooray! Hope you find it just as fun :3
Awww yeah, I'm really liking it so far. Kinda sucks that the pre-purchase DLC items aren't usable until level 25 :cautious: Oh well, started a mage and got him to level 11 this evening.
For $14, it is a VERY good game imho. There's been a great deal of thought that went into the game. You get your own Tavern where you can buy upgraded equipment, pets, etc., store trophies for various feats, and even target dummies to test your DPS based on equipped gear. Heck, you can even modify your existing gear with various enhancements.