Eternal Light

Well, apparently there's an issue with t9k website uploading videos to the forums, so I had to insert the link to the video, instead. Sorry for the delay, I posted the thing at work and didn't know it wasn't working until I got home.
Scantily-clad women fighting monsters and breathing heavily.


By any chance are those Monsters of the "tentacle variety"? hehehe
MagicForDummies said:
Scantily-clad women fighting monsters and breathing heavily.


By any chance are those Monsters of the "tentacle variety"? hehehe

Spunds like th movie suckerpunch.
Malinax said:
I enjoyed that movie more than I should have. Also it should have been rated R, that would have made it even better.

I agree that it should uave been rated r. I wasn't a big fan if it though. Needed moar boobies.
Malinax said:
I felt the same. But the amount of action and shooting crap, and it actually being original in telling a story, made it good in my opinion.
I didn't think the story was that good. I felt like they were reaching too hard for the male/gamer audience.
I didn't think the story was that good. I felt like they were reaching too hard for the male/gamer audience.
They were, and I didn't say that it was good, I was just saying it was unique, I've honestly never seen anything like it. It was like a mashup of chickflick and gamer motivated scenes.
They were, and I didn't say that it was good, I was just saying it was unique, I've honestly never seen anything like it. It was like a mashup of chickflick and gamer motivated scenes.
I haven't seen the film, and it certainly looks unique. I'll have to check it out someday.