EverQuest - Progression Server


Well-Known Member
Oh this does not bode well for my free time. I just got an e-mail from SONY SOE that my old EverQuest account has been reactivated for a trial period to play on a Progression server. Progression servers basically play along the expansion playlines - meaning that the game initially will only have the original EQ content and the first expansion (Kunnark). After a period of time, they add another expansion to the mix.

Started downloading the client before I left work this morning and will fire it up once I get home. I only wonder if good 'ol Rubicite armor will be made available :) I probably spent a good 4 years playing this game from it's launch (i.e. NeverQuest). Sure the graphics are out-of-date by today's standards, but it was a blast in its time.
That sounds like it could be extremely fun... They aren't going to keep things in the game that were game breaking right? It's going to be a baseline working thing and they'll just add the stuff from the expos in their final patch states?
As far as I understand things - yes, nothing game greaking. Have been talking with a few friends who are probably going to start tonight as well and from what they've heard, some of the old favorites will be available for a short time (rubicite armor, manastone, etc).
As far as I understand things - yes, nothing game greaking. Have been talking with a few friends who are probably going to start tonight as well and from what they've heard, some of the old favorites will be available for a short time (rubicite armor, manastone, etc).
That's pretty cool, lets people nostalgia all they want.