Fancy meeting you here


New Member
I stumbled into minecraft after hearing someone mention the name once. I had no idea what it was at the time but so I had no expectations. What I found was something that quickly grew to fill the hole in me that had been left by a long past childhood spent building with legos for hours and hours. I find the beauty of minecraft to be its simplicity. You take away all of the complexity and customization from the user and you've essentially distilled the experience down to pure creativity, at which you reach a point where the disparity between our creations is not influenced by knowledge of game mechanics but what grand designs we each see within ourselves.

In other words, I'm a fan.

About myself:
I'm 26, 4 years into a web design career (if anyone wants to talk shop, or needs any help with that sort of thing shoot me a message). Married with a kid on the way. I love video games (don't we all) and I'm looking forward to seeing what it will be like when there are a bunch of us 90 year old scrubs playing video game tournaments in nursing homes and arguing about how they don't make games like they used to.

I don't appreciate griefing, but I try to just write it off as someone's need to be destructive... whether its born out of a insatiable hunger for attention, a particular disdain for nerds and their activities, or a basic lack of respect for people in general. But much like uncontrollable circumstances in the real world affect our day-to-day workings, I find that the looming threat of grief makes those few brief moments after you've finished a creation all the more satisfying... besides, maybe my 10 story office building was in the way of someone's swastika... my bad.

anyway. hope to see some of you guys out there somewhere. cheers!
Welcome to the wonderful world... or MINECRAFT @_@

Your real life will miss you.
Haha well it sure does take time, but as long as that time is free you should be fine. Welcome aboard Serif!