Favorite Book


Well-Known Member
My favorite book by far is 1984.

I also really enjoyed Animal Farm, Irobot, and the Foundation series. Artemis Fowl series and Eragon series are the only modern books I really liked.
My favorite book?

like a 117. ;)
rsmv2you said:
My favorite book?

like a 117. ;)

I read halo: the flood, and let me just tell you I wanted to scratch my eyes out after that. I HATED that book. Game is better imo.

My favorite? Probably the Hunger Games. Pretty entertaining
It's hard to pick what was my favourite book...
This was a good one.

As was this:
These are my all time favourites:

Benjamin Franklin

  • The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin <- changed my outlook on everything.


  • The invisible Man
  • The First Men in the Moon
  • The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • The Time Machine
  • When the Sleeper Wakes
  • A Modern Utopia
  • God The Invisible King

Jules Verne

  • Around the world in 80 days


  • Lord of the rings: The Silmarillion
  • Lord of the rings: Children of Hurin
  • Lord of the rings: The Lost Tales
  • Lord of the rings: The Hobbit
  • Lord of the rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Lord of the rings: The Two Towers
  • Lord of the rings: The Return of the King


  • Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


  • The Psychology of Love

no idea

  • A critical History of Greek Philosphy
It's a better book.
I find movies to portray a story 10x better then any book can. Just saying. If there are gaps that a movie misses and I actually care then Ill read the book. But honestly, I feel this movie was done to a good extent to where I don't need to read a book to know how deadly the blood filled trench warfare is, I feel the movie portrays that side of the story far better then any book can.
1) The Binding of the Blade Series
2) His Dark Materials
3) The Hunger Games Trilogy
4) The Books of Pellinor
5) Noble Warriors Trilogy.

I like series/trilogies.