Fdebijl's game-making adventure thingy!

Um, the Team 9000 members thing only has two working buttons. The "Admins" button, and then Wooty is the only admin currently working. Is that a glitch or have you only completed like 0.1% of the game?

I recently found out I have the magic power to make button related games with flash.
so I did!
My first result features 2 buttons and one more to be added in the close future. (contains 50% nyan cat).
View attachment 59650
And its frankly, pretty hated upon.
Check it out here:
Team9000 Members (beta)
The next project is still under heavy delevopment, but I already made some stuff.
View attachment 59649
Its basicly an interactive encyclopedia for the semi-elite of T9K (adding all the new-members would be undoable)
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make it easier :P
way too hard :s couldnt get past the first button >.<


Can i be an official Tester? just pm me links to the test, i will test and give feedback.

I'm also reporting a bug in which u must click the button 5-20 times to get it to change text.