FINALLY got around to doing this :p


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm Squirley_Guy! Yay! My days consist of sleeping, eating, Minecraft, and other various things to do. My favorite thing to do in minecraft is have random conversations while building derpy things (Koreaver, SnackyNorph, and Keybladede474 can attest to this). I am builder rank in Minecraft Classic, just got it last night :D. I am going to be a sophmore in high school this coming year. So yeah. You should get to know me. Kthxbai.

Oh, and one more thing... BARREL ROLL! BARREL ROLL! DO A BARREL BARREL ROLL! DO A BARREL BARREL ROLL! DO A BARREL ROLL! (For 10 f****ing hours! D: )

Well hai thar.

I'm Vorsprung. Welcome to the club. It's nice to see new faces.
I can attest to his derpitude. And HA! I'M A JUNIOR! I OWN YOU! :trollface:
Seriously though man, you're a great friend to have here. Glad i met ya, ya damn troll.
Behave yourself. :ceiling: