First Post


New Member
Well, I've been playing on the public server for awhile now, and I've decided to post something of mine (well... not just mine). I and 3 others have made a rather large city on an island in guest 42 (the three others being Korthic, Ariectus, and Stuff9913. I and stuff are still guest so... we hope this will be promotion worthy! here are some screenshots of said city...

Screenshot 1.png

View from top of statue

Screenshot 6.png

The park

Screenshot 8.png


Screenshot 9.png

The golden throne

Screenshot 2.png

The big bridge

Screenshot 10.png

View from other side of bridge

Screenshot 3.png

Korthic's statue

Screenshot 4.png

Ariectus's statue

Screenshot 5.png

Stuff9913's statue

Screenshot 7.png

My statue (on top of tower)

Screenshot 11.png

... and Ariectus and

once again, hope this is promotion worthy :)