Fluttershy wasn't a skilled chiropractor


Well-Known Member
A 3 second video being turned into an epic fanfiction by bored Youtube commentors....

Check this out:


Let's say Fluttershy wasn't a skilled chiropractor.

Dead bear. Actually, where the hell did she learn this? Same goes for the Stare and all her fashion know-how. Fluttershy is hiding things...

OverlordLS 1 week ago


Okay, I'll talk.

Fluttershy used to be an agent from the Equestrian Intelligence Agency. Her stare and combat skill were picked up in basic training, and her fashion know-how was from an undercover mission in Trottingham. Through manipulation of her DNA, she's gained the ability win over or KILL anyone she meets. Fluttershy is the PERFECT SUPER SOLDIER.

Now that I've told you this, both of our lives are in danger. Her former partner, Pinkie Pie, is on her way to kill us right now.

LightningFastStudios 1 week ago 49


OverlordLS 1 week ago

@LightningFastStudios you... broke... a secret. *pulls out phone and dials fluttershy's number* Don't ask where I got her Number.

rbjnytfcuhvj 5 days ago

@LightningFastStudios you... broke... a secret. *pulls out phone and dials fluttershy's number* Don't ask where I got her Number.

rbjnytfcuhvj 5 days ago


YOU! I should've known.

When you sent the super soldiers after me in 2008, I killed them all. All except Fluttershy. I believed that there was still good in her. I thought that she could go back to the ways of her youth; carefree, selfless, kind... I wiped her memory as a favour, not a punishment. It was the only way she could be free... but you and the Pink see her as a tool.

-pulls out gun-

If I die, you're coming to hell with me. Drop the phone. Now. >:C

LightningFastStudios 5 days ago

@LightningFastStudios She's Already after you.

rbjnytfcuhvj 4 days ago


Then there's no time!

-parachutes out of window into a dramatic boat chase scene-


LightningFastStudios 4 days ago


He's trying, but it seems the boat has fuel leaking from it!

Don't worry LightningFastStudios, I'll distract her while you two get outta here! GO!

jfoxfan 3 days ago


Your sacrifice will not have been in vane.

The Pink WILL be stopped...

Or just throw her some candy; that's how we defeated her last time.

And now we run away dramatically away from danger...

LightningFastStudios 3 days ago


Ah, candy, of course! I'll just- *reaches into pocket*

...Oh god...I ate all my candy...



When she takes you to her basement to... "interrogate" you, stall for as long as possible... if she takes out the bone saw, beg for mercy.

LightningFastStudios 2 days ago

@LightningFastStudios @rbjnytfcuhvj

We both know she has no mercy. I'll leave my communicator on. She'll never know she's being heard... looks like this is "goodbye". Take care of Spike and Rarity for me.

*turns away, straightening his tie*

*reaches into both pockets, pulls out what seems to be a trigger from his left, a gun from his right*

*shoots rbjnytfcuhvj in the fifth floor window in his left leg, watching him fall into the water*

Damn... I just wish I had time for one more cupcake...

jfoxfan 2 days ago

@jfoxfan I was at EIA HQ. After Fluttershy knew my co-ords, I left for HQ. Even I don't want to be around Fluttershy's kill scenes.

rbjnytfcuhvj 1 day ago

@rbjnytfcuhvj @LightningFastStudios

...Then I feel sorry for whoever I just shot. Oh god, I see her!

Me: Looking for something?!

*The Pink slowly walks up to jfoxfan*

Me: Well, they're not here! It's just you and me!

*The Pink looks at me from only eight feet away with a maniacal smile as she continues approaching*

Me: I never had time to tell Dash...*pulls trigger*

Not to far away, LightningFastStudios and Spike hear a loud explosion. They look back to the sight of a mushroom cloud.

jfoxfan 1 day ago

@jfoxfan Well, That's Pinkie #1 dead. *starts working with cloned Pinkie parts to create a new one*

I'll be sure to tell Fluttershy you committed suicide and killed Pinkie #1.

rbjnytfcuhvj 1 day ago



LightningFastStudios 1 day ago

@LightningFastStudios Does Rainbow Dash have anything to do with this?

Personoide 5 days ago


Not aware of the secret. I trust you'll keep it that way... for her sake...

LightningFastStudios 5 days ago