For those of you who have enjoyed my absence .....


Well-Known Member
I am in Ohio for my great grandma's funeral. She was 92 and died peacefully in her sleep if you would like to know. Anyways I'll be back Saturday. Enjoy the lack of pictures :P.FYI if you live in Ohio it smells like cow shit and burning crops here. Mkay see ya Saturday :D
Yeah, Ohio isn't a very nice state. At least it's not Detroit.

Sorry about the loss, you have my condolences.
Thank the god above (wait, I'm an Atheist, why would I say that?) your not in Miami. It is the worst place I have ever been to. It smells of crack addicted illegal immigrants and spoiled fish.
Thank the god above (wait, I'm an Atheist, why would I say that?) your not in Miami. It is the worst place I have ever been to. It smells of crack addicted illegal immigrants and spoiled fish.
That's what Detroit is, except replace the spoiled fish with victims of a drive-by shooting. I'm so glad I live far away from that place. The only other place that is as bad as that is 8 Mile.