Freakin' SKYRIM!

My Bro is getting it after he's submitted in an assignment for Uni, As soon as I get home I'll be playing it.

This is going to be a looooong day.
good thing about Australia? (besides everything) we got skyrim yesterday :D

And we only had to pay an extra 40 dollars for it.
:geek: My entire social life will come crumbling down around me when i get grades will fall, my skin will become pale, my eyes wont be able to adjust to lights for a week....and i will love every second of it.
So far, bethesda has only let me down with fallout3, but i can barely wait to get it. although i currently can't afford it :sadface:
I can't bother getting it quite yet. I wouldn't have time for it (next week is exams hell), and then by friday, Minecraft is released, so on the next week (a week off) I wouldn't sleep a wink for no-lifing both games, and would probably die.