[Free] Battlefield 3 on Origin

If anyone has to urge to add on to their list of games they own and never play, Origin's doing that thing they do and giving away a random game. Sadly, it'd require you to use Origin, and I apologize.

I don't have much to say about Battlefield, as I'm sure everyone's heard of it in one way or another. With Battlefield 4 having been released not too long ago, BF3 is slowly being overshadowed. However, there's still plenty of activity online, both on NA/EU servers, so it's far from dead or dying.

Mind you, Origin is only giving away the standard BF3 package, which doesn't include any DLC. While it's still enjoyable without DLC, you'll still be unable to access 'new' maps and weapons.

BattleField 3 Standard on Origin Link Thing

The giveaway is over!
However, it's still up on the site for 70% off if you're really interested.!

Grab it while you can if you're interested!

Whoohoo or something,
Batfield Tree?

I would be interested in this, but two things prevent me from wanting it.
1. Origin. Complain all you want to me about how it's not that bad, it's still pretty frickin' bad.
2. Modern shooters bore me. They really do.

Kudos for sharing this, though. I know a few people who would be interested. :thumbsup: