FREE Marvel Comics


Well-Known Member
As some of you may know, Comixology recently ran a promotion during SXSW for 700 free #1 issues of Marvel comics, which ended in a bit of cataclysmic failure due to the overwhelming response resulting in their servers crashing during the entire promotion period. The president of the site released a statement saying they would try it again later. Now is that time.

If you go to their website now until 11:59PM, April 9, you can create an account and get an email when you will be able to go to their site and download these comics. One caveat: These #1s are digital releases, so you're not getting hard copies of these comics. When I looked through the list of available comics the first time they tried this, there were some pretty awesome #1s they had listed on there.

Just thought I'd throw this out there for any T9k comics fans, and anyone else who is interested in getting into comics.