[Free on Steam] Receiver

In case you had the urge to copy and paste the same message you make in all of these threads, here's another:
This one only has keys exclusive to Steam, so make sure you know your account details. Valid Email address is also required.

Simply follow this link >Clickity Clickenheimer< to the Humble Bundle store and enter your email where it suggests you do. Follow the on screen instuctions, and eventually stuff happens.

This is a one day deal. If you see this and feel like spreadin' the word, feel free.

No game description this time around as I haven't gotten around to playin' it. I'll leave y'alls to figure that out.
(Something about gunplay, though.)

Beep boop, or something
The game is actually pretty interesting. I haven't played it too much in the past, but basically you are given control over every function of the pistol. It was made in a short period of time for some charity event (I forget what it was called).