[Free] Sniper Elite V2 on Steam

If anyone has to urge to add on to their list of games, here's another one.
This one's not on Origin this time as well!

Offer Ended. Cheers!

You play as an American sniper during the end of WWII in war torn Berlin. Your task is to intercept the Red army from gaining access to the German V2 rocket program. Hope you enjoy bolt action, bub.

Beep boop or something
If anyone has to urge to add on to their list of games, here's another one.
This one's not on Origin this time as well!

One day offer! Giveaway ends June 5th, 10am PST!
Grab it while you can if interested

Sniper Elite V2 on Steam link thing

You play as an American sniper during the end of WWII in war torn Berlin. Your task is to intercept the Red army from gaining access to the German V2 rocket program. Keep your head down and make every shot count. Don't have much to say about this one as I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Perhaps I'll just reserve this space for a review of sorts once I actually get into it.

Beep boop or something

There's some sort of multiplayer available with this, apparently? I'll leave that for y'all to look into.
You're a hawk for these things, aren't you? Either way, yay. Another game to add to Steam. :3
After having a chance to play the first couple levels, I may as well post my beginner's impressions.

First off, the fact that it's a port from consoles becomes more and more annoyingly apparent as you play. Being an over-the-shoulder TPS feels very awkward and unwieldy with a mouse and keyboard. You'll be reminded of this when your character decides he doesn't want to stay in cover as you're being shot at from multiple angles.
The cover system itself is a bit touch and go to begin with - Some objects you can hide behind, and some you can't. And where there's no indication before running up to something as to whether or not you can go into cover, you'll probably find yourself in an awkward position where you have to decide whether it's better to dash across open area to find actual cover or make due with what you've got.
The bullet camera that the Sniper Elite series is known for is satisfying at first, but after the dozenth time you've seen a guy's jaw explode, it becomes a bit annoying having to watch it every other shot. This can be disabled in the options, though. Worry not!

The story is a bit lackluster. Your objectives are explained in the opening scene, so you know what to expect in terms of plot. Objectives appear to be mostly point to point, and the levels are quite linear. It's usually rather easy to understand where you have to go, but you never know what you're going to run into along the way. The learning curve isn't too steep, but some areas may seem incredibly difficult compared to others. As far as actual game play goes, it's a pretty solid stealth and strategy focused game. You'll find very early on that engaging your targets without being aware of your surroundings will often cause you to get killed. You'll only be able to rely on cover for so long before they decide to move in on you.

Pick your shots and keep your head down.
(I still haven't looked into multiplayer, but it's most definitely a thing.)
Got it.

At first it's exciting, with the bullet cam and all. First impression is not bad. But after the first few levels it gets boring. Gameplay is boring. Plot is boring. Sometimes it has that "Call of Duty"-feeling, when you have a huge wave of enemies running at you and you're just constantly spamming your gun, which is boring as well. Most of the time it's pretty stealthy though, which I like.
The movement is a bit weird and there's something with the graphics that doesn't really fit for a 2012 game.
I haven't looked into multiplayer either and I think it could be more fun.

Nevertheless I like the game but I don't think it's quite worth 27.99€ in my opinion.

But hey, I got it for free :p