Freestyle Folklore


Well-Known Member
I know it's CoD of poody but just bare (<-- which b a r was it again?) with it.
Any questions? I will be our storyteller.. maybe... I don't know.
Chinese firecrackers
banana phone
a corrupt musician
a boat made of BBQ sauce
Topic: Batman takes steroids.

In the year Nineteen Ninety Twelve, Bruise "Batman" Wayne, a multi-billionaire, decided to compete in the national boating Olympics, held in Beijing. However, Bruise was not adept at boating, and decided to take performance enhancing drugs, otherwise known as steroids. During the opening ceremony, a band traversed the field in bright red uniforms. Chinese firecrackers popping and cracking as much as popcorn. One corrupt musician, still backstage, was busy planning to overthrow the Communist Government. The corrupt musician had just finished getting dressed as he ran down the hall and noticed Bruise still inside of the locker rooms with a bottle of pills. Disgusted by this injustice the corrupt musician took it upon himself to take matters into his own hands, and began to sabotage Bruise's equipment. When Bruise came to the starting gate he noticed that his boat was not missing, but made out of barbecue sauce! He ran toward the exit calling for his escape vehicle when he noticed that his phone had been replaced by a banana, a banana phone. The next day Bruise was found dead by a downed power-line, and the corrupt musician, however, was nowhere to be found.

In the year Nineteen Ninety Twelve, Bruise "Batman" Wayne, a multi-billionaire, decided to compete in the national boating Olympics, held in Beijing. However, Bruise was not adept at boating, and decided to take performance enhancing drugs, otherwise known as steroids. During the opening ceremony, a band traversed the field in bright red uniforms. Chinese firecrackers popping and cracking as much as popcorn. One corrupt musician, still backstage, was busy planning to overthrow the Communist Government. The corrupt musician had just finished getting dressed as he ran down the hall and noticed Bruise still inside of the locker rooms with a bottle of pills. Disgusted by this injustice the corrupt musician took it upon himself to take matters into his own hands, and began to sabotage Bruise's equipment. When Bruise came to the starting gate he noticed that his boat was not missing, but made out of barbecue sauce! He ran toward the exit calling for his escape vehicle when he noticed that his phone had been replaced by a banana, a banana phone. The next day Bruise was found dead by a downed power-line, and the corrupt musician, however, was nowhere to be found.


2/10. Needz moar shingles.