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What is Galcon? Galcon is a series of Real Time Strategy video games for Android, iPhone, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Flash, which were developed by Phil Hassey. It is a real time strategy game set in space and involves maneuvering fleets of ships to capture enemy planets.

Galcon Classic, was released for the desktop in late 2006 for Ludum dare, a timed game development contest. It was then developed into a more advanced video game. Galcon Classic features dozens of singleplayer game modes and full multiplayer.In July 2008, Galcon was publicly released on Instant Action (IA), a web browser game platform released by GarageGames. This is the first time Galcon was released with campaign sort of gameplay.A couple months later, Galcon was released for the iPhone, frequently called "iGalcon" by fans. iGalcon was one of the first true multiplayer experiences for the iPhone but never gained enough publicity to kick off. iGalcon comes with multiple singleplayer modes featuring varying degrees of bot difficulty, and an advanced online multiplayer system where players can battle in rooms up to four. In June 2009, Galcon Flash was released. Galcon Flash was a Flash port of Galcon and closely resembled the iPhone port. Although Galcon Flash was given a small introductory price, the amount of registered users was very small; however, there is a limited demo version.
Galcon Labs was released in early October 2009. Galcon Labs is a sequel to the first iGalcon. Galcon Labs features four new modes which are both singleplayer and multiplayer compatible. Galcon Labs has been received as a very positive addition to the Galcon family.On February 11, 2010, Galcon Fusion was released for Mac and Windows as the latest addition to the Galcon family. It is the desktop and iPad equivalent to Galcon Labs and the original Galcon.
The name is short for Galactic Conquest.

It's amazingly awsome, it's one of two games I play every day.. Next to Minecraft of course ;) Does anybody of you play it? My name's on it are 'Max213' and 'butt.high', and if you don't play it yet, you should really try it, it's awsome.

Official Website with Official Forums
Official Trailer (btw, if you look down to the bottom left, you see the chat. Remember the names of those who write in the chat, they are 'philhassey' as Phil Hassey, the Inventor himself, and 'Nanno', his wife. You will see Nanno often in the Website-Chat, because Phil is just programming, but she is in charge of choosing admins, organising tournaments, and so on. So if you see them online, be nice and friendly to them, that is like as if you would meet Notch ;) )