Game Helps Find Cure for AIDS


Well-Known Member
In an article found on scientists are a step closer to finding the possible cure for AIDS, all thanks to a video game. The game, called "Foldit" encourages users to basically play with different protiens and find their optimal folded state. Scientists will post different proteins on the game for users to mess with. Due to this particular discovery, scientists now have unlocked the structure of a particular enzyme in the AIDS virus. Apparently it only took the users of Foldit three weeks to crack this protein. This is the second time scientists have credited Foldit with the discovery of a protein or enzyme that have furthered science.

Here is the link to Foldit.
Next thing you know, SpaceChem will help find the Higgs Boson, and Minecraft will show how geothermal energy can be used.

And TF2 how wars can be solved with a Stout Shako, provided a peace treaty of 2 refined is attained to.
There's already a similar program called folding@home, it's also meant for unraveling the mysteries of proteïns :3
It's on every ps3 and you can download it on pc, you don't even have to do anything besides letting it use some processing power
Next thing we know humans will transcend to gods and we will all fly around with thruster packs genetically implanted into our feet and release neurotoxins from our rectum and fire lasers from our eyes, thank god for video games.

Amazing what video games can do, isn't it.
Next thing you know, SpaceChem will help find the Higgs Boson, and Minecraft will show how geothermal energy can be used.

And TF2 how wars can be solved with a Stout Shako, provided a peace treaty of 2 refined is attained to.
I love this :D

Higgs Boson FTW!
There's already a similar program called folding@home, it's also meant for unraveling the mysteries of proteïns :3
It's on every ps3 and you can download it on pc, you don't even have to do anything besides letting it use some processing power
I remember this, It's like a screensaver right?