Game of Thrones

Jaime is all chummy with Cersei. Book Fan inside of me is screaming in dismay. TV fan is sighing with indifference.
Jaime is all chummy with Cersei. Book Fan inside of me is screaming in dismay. TV fan is sighing with indifference.
Book fan inside me is still screaming about all of Dorne last season to even notice anything. TV fan inside is just saying this better be better than season 5, that was shit.
Book fan inside me is still screaming about all of Dorne last season to even notice anything. TV fan inside is just saying this better be better than season 5, that was shit.

Well besides Tyrion actually meeting Dany, cause that shit was infuriating in the book.
Everything in planet Westerosistan is terrible. That's why I come back every season. I bet Dany makes it out alive by the end because at this point her plot armor is as thick as a marvel superhero. That's why my fav char now is Cersei.
Everything in planet Westerosistan is terrible. That's why I come back every season. I bet Dany makes it out alive by the end because at this point her plot armor is as thick as a marvel superhero. That's why my fav char now is Cersei.
Dany is one of my least favorite characters in general, because George RR Martin wrote her so well.

Side note: At least the Cleganebowl is probably happening this season
Book readers might consider pausing at 1:16, looking at the sigil on the breastplate of the guy with two swords, and the type of armor the guy fighting him is wearing. It might bring them some joy.
Dany is one of my least favorite characters in general, because George RR Martin wrote her so well.

Side note: At least the Cleganebowl is probably happening this season

My least favorite is Sam... Probably because he has the dumbest luck. But I've a feeling he's done for in S6.