GameStop Throws Away Free Game Coupons


Well-Known Member
According to an article posted, game retailer Game Stop has been opening and removing coupons placed inside new copies of the PC version of Deus EX: Human Evolution, which gave buyers a free copy of the game for OnLive Games. This was a deal made by Square Enix and OnLive Games. Gamestop is stating they are removing the coupons since they consider OnLive Games a competitor and will not sell any items that benefit a competitor without having made an agreement to do so. Gamestop is also stating they are no longer going to sell the game until Square Enix distributes copies of the games to their stores without the coupons. Many people are wondering about the legality of GameStop breaking the seal of a game box and then selling opened box as a new game.
Really? For someone that buys the game it's like buying a used car that wasn't used. Although it wasn't used still had someone in or around it.
Yeah, I heard about this, but was given no information at all (I work at GameStop)

Surely, I hope that this will get resolved.
This sounds like a legality issue with copyright laws at the very least. I dont think this will turn out to pretty for gamestop.