Gaming Buddies


Well-Known Member
I'm figuring this area would be okay since for me it is game related.

I've been meaning to do this somewhere for a while. Just never actually did it.
I am looking for computer gaming buddies/a buddy. So that I don't always have to be all alone or have to solo things. I'm not sure what all everyone plays so I'm going to give a list of the games I have that I would like buddies in. Most of these are on Steam. (I apparently had it on private. It should be viewable as long as you are logged into steam now.)

I am willing to play any game with others this is just a list of all the Multiple Player/Co-Op Games I have on and off Steam:
Portal 2
Orcs Must Die! 2 (I think this has a co-op? I could be incorrect.)
Farming Simulator 2013
Saints Row: The Third
Star Trek Online (My handle is @PaulRudd)
Lord of the Rings Online (I play on Windfola. My character names are Ulur and Akio) I am willing to play on another realm if you play this and have people on another realm. I just mention my characters because they have some cool mounts.
World of Tanks (My player name is Coulometry)
World of Warcraft (I play horde on Dawnbringer and Alliance on Elune. I also have alliance characters on the RP realm of Feathermoon, these are mostly low level) <- though this is a moot point considering... If you want my Blizz ID I will give it to you. PM me for it please. :cool:
I have an Aion account and am willing to redownload it.

I am also willing to download whatever game YOU want to play. As long as it is free to play.

If you have my steam, I do have other multi-player games. Though these I do not play very often because I'm not a huge fan of FPS games. I play them for very short spurts like maybe 10/15 minutes to perhaps 30 minutes max. I have The Hidden, The Ship and TF2.

I have GTA 4, I think there is a mod to play this with other people? I have no idea.

Really, I'm just tired of being alone gaming all the time. >.> I would really like a gaming buddy.

Edited my post because...I wanted to rearrange and add things. I also fixed some grammar and spelling, because I could! :D
Another Edit for my overuse of words. It was bothering me.
Just doing this as an update and not an edit so someone who has Saints Row: The Third sees this...

I beat Saints Row. I am in NEED OF A CO-OP PARTNER! I would like to play the game through with someone.
More achievements please :D
Just doing this as an update and not an edit so someone who has Saints Row: The Third sees this...

I beat Saints Row. I am in NEED OF A CO-OP PARTNER! I would like to play the game through with someone.
More achievements please :D
I'd be up for that if our schedules permit :D
I have WoW and could try to play Star Trek but I don't know if my PC could handle it. I rarely play WoW anymore because all my friends are 25 and work whenever I can play, so if we don't have this issue, I would love to play WoW and Star Trek with you. And if I ever buy Terraria, I will let you know. I don't have any characters on the realms you listed, but I can always make new ones and level them. I also hate Horde, so it will have to be on Elune.
I have WoW and could try to play Star Trek but I don't know if my PC could handle it. I rarely play WoW anymore because all my friends are 25 and work whenever I can play, so if we don't have this issue, I would love to play WoW and Star Trek with you. And if I ever buy Terraria, I will let you know. I don't have any characters on the realms you listed, but I can always make new ones and level them. I also hate Horde, so it will have to be on Elune.
I think STO is less graphic intensive then WoW is anymore. Also, you're in luck! I don't work at this point in time. Possibly not until sometime in November or later. I don't mind alliance. I have quite a few of them all over the place. It doesn't really matter what realm your people are on. We could do quests and dungeons together even if we're on different realms due to the blizz ID system. I think the only thing it wouldn't work on is the most current raids. Which I don't think really matters. If you want my blizz information let me know. Also, you should probably add me on steam if you have it if you want to contact me to play sometime and I'm not on. Or I can add you, I don't care.
I'm not currently on my PC that runs steam, but my name is the same, Nordiclovepotion. And I don't have the Real ID enabled because I got my account when I was 12 and I don't know how to remove Parental Control lol. But I'll work on it. I should be on later today.
I'm not currently on my PC that runs steam, but my name is the same, Nordiclovepotion. And I don't have the Real ID enabled because I got my account when I was 12 and I don't know how to remove Parental Control lol. But I'll work on it. I should be on later today.
I think as long as you can send messages on steam, that is fine. So that you can be like, 'Okay! WoW time!' I believe you can change the Parental Control nonsense through the management. If not I think you could probably have them called? I don't know. >.> I was over 18 when I got my own account.

I'd be up for playing Portal 2 or Orcs Must Die 2 with you whenever you feel up to it~
I would love to play some Orcs Must Die 2, I haven't really done that much with it yet. I got Skyrim about the same time and that kind of over shadowed it for a bit there. >.>

I'd also be up to playing Portal 2 with you. Also, I just downloaded kzMod (kreedz climbing mod) and it's awesome! :) you should definitley check it out:
Ah, okie dokie! I wouldn't mind that. I'll look into the kzmod thinger.

I'd love to join in on some Saints Row