Gears of war takes dlc to a all new low

I could see why the guy is upset. I remember back in the day when games had tons of locked content on the disc. There was never a way to pay for the content to be unlocked, however, if you weren't a hacker you couldn't get access to the content, either (Hot Coffee mod, anyone?). I would rather have Epic work on using that disc space for more game content or playability rather than locked information. Granted, skins on your guns and characters is only a small portion of data, it's still data that could have been used some other way. Either way you slice it, GoW fans will be paying about $45 to unlock all of those skins and what-not, whether it's on-disc or not. Thankfully, it would seem that that stuff does not change or enhance gameplay for any one person who may purchase the skins.