Get to Know a Gamer: Alimber

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Well-Known Member
Welcome to the 10th installment of Get to Know a Gamer! This week is a very potato-y week featuring the Lord of the Tots, the King of Krinkle Fries, the Emperor of Spuds, Alimber. Alimber is a Pro rank member of Team 9000's Classic server, and the community's most limber person. You should see his show, it's legal in only 4 states, and you have to be at least 25. Without further interruption:

1. So you're from Idaho. Are you the Potato King of Idaho? Well that's what my clients call me... Does that count?

2. Do you love potatoes, or do you love potatoes? I quite enjoy potatoes in every way, shape, or form.

There is however, one exception to that. Potato salad sucks ass. Why do people eat that crap? It tastes like shit!

3. How did you find T9K with potatoes? One wintery day on the 15th or 16th of January, I had played beta so much that I literally hated the game. So I decided that I would check out this "classic" thing everyone was talking about. Like every new player, I hopped onto the server with the most people on, which happened to be Opticraft at the time. Being like every other guest, I didn't read the rules and I ran around doing things I do not condone. After a bit of that I realized I had hardly made a dent in anything, seeing as it was already griefed to hell. I decided that that server was terribad and left to find a better one. Lo and behold, it was Team9000 <insert epic music here>.

4. What sorts of games involving potatoes do you enjoy playing? I enjoy a wide variety of games. I've been an Xbox gamer ever since the Xbox first came out. I've played all sorts of FPS games on the Xbox, but I never really got into adventure games like Fable or Fallout because I suck at those and end up trying to kill everyone. And losing. I've been a PC gamer from when I got my first computer to when the Xbox came out. I only recently (December-ish) became a PC gamer again. I play games like TF2, Killing Floor, Altitude, and Minecraft.

As for potatoes, you'll usually find that Tater tots are my top choice for any meal.

And I'm aware that the obvious answer to this question would be Portal 2, but I haven't had the chance to play that game yet

5. What are your top 5 favorite movies with potatoes in them? Number five of the top five would have to be The Guardian. Beautifully made movie with a great cast and an even greater plot. It has an incredibly sad ending, but is still amazing nonetheless.

Number four is We Were Soldiers. I really enjoy movies that honor the Military, as I have a huge amount of respect for them. This movie has to do with a battle in Vietnam. If you can get past the fact the Mel Gibson is the main character, it's really a great movie.

Number three is Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones. This movie has an incredible soundtrack, with the best song being Across the Stars by John Williams. Although all of the Star Wars movies are great, this one stood above the rest.

Number two is Inception. Fucking awesome movie. If you haven't seen it, go see it. Soundtrack is amazing, plot is amazing, and characters are amazing. Keep in mind that you may have to watch it two or three or ten times before you get it.

Number one is Blood Diamond. This movie is quite depressing and you will never look at diamonds the same way after it. The soundtrack is amazing. I could listen to it for days and not get tired of it. All in all, an amazing eye opening movie that everyone should watch.

6. If you were stuck on an island with nothing but potatoes, what one utensil would you want with you to eat the potatoes? Very tough question. It depends on what kind of potato I would be consuming. On one hand, if I was going to be eating a baked potato, I would need a knife and a spoon because I need to be able to cut the potato open and spread butter all over it! On the other hand, if I was eating mashed potatoes, I wouldn't need a knife seeing as the potato is already cut open and mashed n' stuff. So a spoon would be required in that situation. However, how can you mash a potato with only a spoon? You would need a fork for that! But, mankind has created a solution there. The spork! I could mash that potato and eat it quite comfortably.

7. If you happen to eat a radioactive potato, and it gave you super powers, which one super power would you want to have? If I were to eat a potato that had been carelessly tossed into a radioactive waste, I would want to have the power to fly at supersonic speeds, cause that'd be badass.


8. What's your favorite thing to eat with potatoes? Homemade breadsticks and Ramen. Mouthorgy.

9. Potato Canon: Excellent use of an over-abundant resource, or tragic misuse of one of the world's best starches? World's greatest depressing invention. On one hand, it's hilarious to see potato hit the side of a house and explode, but it's depressing to know that you could've made that potato into french fries or tots.

10. What one place do you want to see with a potato before you die? South Africa. I've wanted to go there ever since I watched Blood Diamond for the first time. The place looks incredible.

11. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck potatoes? None, because I'd shoot the thing before it chucked any of my potatoes.

12. Have you ever had a one night stand with a potato?
I'm not legally allowed to discuss this topic.

13. Have you ever given consideration to a life of crime using potatoes? Never! My potatoes and I have a more than luxurious life here at home <3


I would like to thank everyone so far for your good words and criticisms about GTKAG thus far. It all has been appreciated, and I do my best to make this as inclusive as possible for everyone. Next week will be a very special GTKAG, since either Wooty or Wooty will be the player featured. If you have any questions you would like to have asked, please let me know or post them here on this thread. If there is anyone you would like to see spotlighted, let me know! Eventually everyone will get a turn. Also, I've started posting links to the previous GTKAGs in my signature, so if there was someone you missed, or something you want to see, click the link for each gamer.
woohoo! i voted woot, cause woot is more awesome.. i think (yes i know both are same person)
So many potatoes!! :O

well done moondoggy for another successful yet enteresting/entertaining, GTKAG..

go alimber!! weow!

I voted woot and sonic.. cos im badass!! :P
Good GTKAG, I never knew potatoes could be so exciting.

I'm not sure who to pick this time, really hard choice.
Wootybooty finally gets a chance. Nice GTKAG as always. Love me some taters too.
I do enjoy them potatoes.

But in all seriousness, this was a great GTKAG... I felt that there wasn't enough potato-related questions though.

But who to pick for the next poll? I don't really know either of them...

Awww, what happend to your Sushi Fetish Limbar? :C
Anyway, awesome GTKAG 'doggeh