Get to Know a Gamer: Kingjok3r

Which Gamer Do You Want to "Get to Know?"

  • NewspaperCrane

    Votes: 21 40.4%
  • Goskidmark

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • dmax

    Votes: 12 23.1%
  • Riein

    Votes: 9 17.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Welcome to another edition of "Get to Know a Gamer!" This week, Kingjok3r was the narrow victor in the poll by only two votes. Kingjok3r is a Builder rank player on Minecraft classic. Without further interruption, here is a bit more info on the French Canadian bacon-lover, Kingjok3r:

1. Where are you from? What do you enjoy most about your place of origin? I was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I really like the multicultural aspect of Montreal. But I especially like seeing the immigrants whining in winter because there is too much snow, or watch dumb drivers drive in winter. the province as a whole is awesome because most of it is untouched by mankind, so lots of rivers, mountains, wild life etc.

french canada.jpg

2. How did you find out about T9K? What do you enjoy most about it here? Joining and finding out about T9K for me was a bit random. At the time a friend and I, me being the newer one to minecraft, wanted to find a server to have fun in. It was actually a random click to get here. T9K pretty much showed me how to play minecraft classic. I especially remember Bobo helping me with water for my house in Guest128, and how everyone was eager to help me. I'll be honest, but I LOVE the T9K community. Lots of people are fun to talk with, easily get along and it isn't one of those 'dead' or even inactive gaming communities.

3. Aside from Minecraft, what other games do you enjoy playing? I enjoy playing FPS, RPG and especially multiplayer games. At the moment, I play minecraft classic, GTA 4, APB reloaded, Soldier Front, Alliance of Valiant Arms, Starwars Combine and Pardus (last 2 are browser games)


4. Which is better: a jet, or a submarine? A jet. If something goes wrong, I'd rather fly to my death at a high speed, rather than slowly die by drowning deep down in a submarine.

kingjok3r jet.jpg

5. In all honesty, how many licks do you think it'd take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Not even 1.. A good bite gets you there faster. But that's not licking, so I'll guess 100.. Cause it just takes soo long to get to the middle.


6. If you have any, what are your top 5 favorite movies? I don't have any favorite movies, but I do like starwars, tomb raider, terminator, inception, avatar and lots more, but I'm not so good with remembering movie names. I mostly enjoy action/shooting movies and war movies.

7. What is your earliest gaming memory? Super Mario on Super Nintendo. The Nintendo was my brother's, but I still got to play it. When he or any other of my brothers were hogging the SN, I was playing on the NES. I think I actually still have both somewhere in a box lol.


8. Name one thing better than sliced bread, and explain why. Bacon. I'm Canadian, I don't have to explain or even try to explain why I find bacon is better than sliced bread.


9. Where did you get the idea for your name? Well, the joker part I took from one of my cousins who had 'joker' in his email address. On some games 'joker' just didn't cut it as it was always taken so I eventually came up with Kingjoker. When that one is taken, i replace the E with a 3.

10. What sort of music do you listen to? I pretty much like anything I find has a good beat and don't really have any favorite style/artist.

11. What is your favorite food? I'll have to go with Bacon and Pizza.. Pizza with Bacon is a double win :D

12. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read/hear the word "pineapple"? I don't know why, but I keep thinking Pineapple Express...


Please post your comments below for any suggestions for players to be selected. If you were not chosen this week, don't worry, there are other chances to come. If there are any questions you'd like to ask, please post them below.


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Great job once again! Someday I will hopefully get my chance to be gotten to be known xD
SOO MUUCHH BACON! D : *runs around in circles madly across the world whilst making sure to pick up all the bacon there is while taking the initiative to seduce Sarah Palin and steal her pants!!!!(which look quite comfy btw)*
Congrats on winning the poll, I enjoyed reading this. Good edition of this, moondoggy, can I be in the next poll again? Kthxbai :3
Please be sure to vote soon! This poll (should) close by Tuesday. After that point, no other votes for the next choice will be counted.

If there is someone you'd like to vote for and has not yet been on the poll, please post your suggestion! Also, if you have any questions you'd like to have asked, feel free to post those as well. I'll be more than happy to steal your questions to try to use them the next time!
Yes, that was a very satisfying read, Doggy. Keep up the good work. And maybe include me????? (I'm pushing it, aren't I???? Yeah????? :trollface:)

Bacon is tasty. And I would enjoy having another "quasi-intellectual" conversation with your pressteeged self. :D
Please be sure to vote soon! This poll (should) close by Tuesday. After that point, no other votes for the next choice will be counted.

If there is someone you'd like to vote for and has not yet been on the poll, please post your suggestion! Also, if you have any questions you'd like to have asked, feel free to post those as well. I'll be more than happy to steal your questions to try to use them the next time!

just a suggestion for further down the road, I think eventually you should be submitted to a GTKAG, except instead of you interviewing yourself (although hilarious idea) you should have one of your favorite's from the various community members that you have already interviewed be the one to ask you the questions. There is a myriad of ways that you can do this of course and again it is just a suggestion.

However, I love these. It is a breath of fresh air to better know another member of the community whom I do not get many opportunities to chat with. I will continue to remain on the edge of my seat in anticipation for the next installment of GTKAG.
I really enjoyed wasting this minutes of my precious minecraft-playing time, thats just genious :D thanks for doing it :D
Yes... the purposely shitty, 'Cyanide and Happiness' - style images add a humourous, self-faeceous charm to it. Keep up the good work.